Killer Headache

Woman lying on a gurney with an oxygen mask over her face

What happened?

Investigation Day 1

Emergency Services received a 911 call reporting a woman had collapsed suddenly during a reception at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center. EMTs treated her at the location and transported her to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Detectives were dispatched to the scene to investigate.

After reviewing what other officers learned while canvassing witnesses at the scene, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke to Diane's boss, Sandra Moss, and the man who provided first aid until the EMTs arrived.

Investigation Day 2

The next morning, the detectives visited with Diane's husband at their home.

Then, they went back to the YCCC to talk to some of the authors who were presenting at the conference and some of Diane's co-workers who were helping with the event.

Later, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy went to a local restaurant to speak with the owner, who was a friend of Diane's.

Afterward, they dropped in on the restaurant owner's wife to find out what she knew.

Investigation Day 3

While waiting for the autopsy findings, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to Diane's doctor and her pharmacist to learn more about her health at the time of her death.

Investigation Day 4

On Monday morning, the detectives went to the university campus for another conversation with Diane's boss. Then they went back to the sheriff's department, where they pressed Landon for more answers. Later, Diane's pharmacist came in to answer a few more questions.

That afternoon, the detectives went to see Rupert again at the home he shared with his late wife. When they got back to the station, the coroner's report was waiting for them, and before long, the local news reported the latest on the investigation.

Investigation Day 5

Bright and early the next morning, Detective Muphy executed a search warrant at one suspect's residence while Detective Armstrong did the same at another.

Investigation Day 6

When the detectives received the results of the preliminary forensic analysis of the evidence collected during the searches, their next step was clear.

Investigation Day 7

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy asked someone to come in for another conversation, and when that interview was over, the Oxford Weekly Planet had an update for Yoknapatawpha County.


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