Miles Jackson bio
Miles Jackson, Jr. was born on August 31, 1996, to Miles Jackson, Sr. and Mary Lee Walker Jackson. Miles Sr. was so delighted to have a son that he bought the boy a football when he was just ten months old. The baby took the football in his hands and never let it go.
Miles Jr. was his father's son and pursued sports from elementary school all the way through high school. In addition to football, he also ran track and was the captain of the swimming team.
Miles always made his parents very proud, with one exception: during his senior year of high school, he fell in with the wrong crowd and was charged with assault and auto theft. Caught at a local fast food restaurant as a back seat passenger in a stolen car, he was charged with the theft of the vehicle. During a moment of panic, Miles punched a police officer while trying to escape. Miles Sr. was able to convince the judge to let his son off with probation and a proviso that he enlist in the Army after graduation.
True to his word, Miles enlisted in the U.S. Army in June 2015. After boot camp, he was stationed in Germany, where he learned construction and found he had a knack for the work. Sadly, during his tour, his steady girlfriend of three years, Emma Ward, found someone new and sent him a "Dear John" letter. Since then, there has been no one special in Miles's life, but he has hope the right girl will come along sometime in the future.
Sadder still than the loss of his girlfriend was the passing of his sister, Marietta, who died in a tragic accidental drowning mere weeks before he was discharged from the Army. She was just twenty years old. Her death was particularly hard on Miles, who was very close to his sister and greatly admired her musical talents, hoping to see her perform at Carnegie Hall one day. Marietta's violin hangs on the wall in the Jackson living room as a reminder of their cherished daughter and sister.
After his hitch in the Army, his father helped Miles get a job as a concrete and asphalt equipment operator with The Mitchell Company, where Miles Sr. is a driver. Currently, Miles and his father are working on a new upmarket housing development, Kelly Green, on the outskirts of Oxford next to an attractive wooded area known as Kelly Woods.
Miles's mother, Mary Lee, is a maid for the prestigious Stillwater family, carrying on her family's tradition as her own mother, Nerlene, had worked for the Stillwaters of Baton Rouge.
Outside of work, Miles is involved with activities such as the giant pumpkin sale at St Peter's church in Oxford and the annual Christmas clothing and food drives. When he can find the time, he fishes and hunts with his longtime friend, Joe Dankin.