Amanda Hansen interview
Monday, May 2, 2022 – 5:11 p.m.
Amanda Hansen is Peter Pane's live-in girlfriend. Detectives Armstrong and Murphy traveled to Memphis to speak with the two of them.
Detective Armstrong interviewed Ms. Hansen at her residence.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Amanda Hansen
Detective Armstrong: Would you please state your name and address for the record?
Amanda Hansen: My name is Amanda Jane Hansen. I live at 4888 Gill Road, Memphis, Tennessee.
Detective Armstrong: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today. The sheriff's department appreciates your cooperation.
Amanda Hansen: You're welcome. Naturally, I want to help in any way I can.
Detective Armstrong: Glad to hear it. Did you know Ms. Holloway?
Amanda Hansen: Not really. I met her only twice.
Detective Armstrong: When and where did you meet her?
Amanda Hansen: First, we drove down to Oxford and spent the day with her. The second time, she drove up here and spent the weekend.
Detective Armstrong: Were you and she friendly?
Amanda Hansen: Oh, sure. She's Peter's sister, after all. I wanted to like her.
Detective Armstrong: Did you?
Amanda Hansen: Did I what, like her? Yes, I did.
Detective Armstrong: Any particular reason?
Amanda Hansen: Oh, I don't know. She was funny and nice and real smart. Peter thinks she's a genius. I mean, well, he thought she was.
Detective Armstrong: Did he change his mind about that?
Amanda Hansen: No, I mean… you know, she's gone now.
Detective Armstrong: Right. What'd you do when she came to visit? Anything special?
Amanda Hansen: Oh yeah, we took her to see the sights, out to eat, stuff like that.
Detective Armstrong: I noticed a bike rack on your car out front. You cycle?
Amanda Hansen: Sometimes. We have a bike. Sometimes I take it out.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you used it?
Amanda Hansen: I don't know, a couple weeks ago? My car had a flat, and I had to get to work—no time to call anybody for help.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know if Ms. Holloway had a bicycle?
Amanda Hansen: I think she liked to jog or speed walk. Don't recall her ever saying she biked any.
Detective Armstrong: And Mr. Pane, he uses the bike too?
Amanda Hansen: Peter? On a bike? Don't make me laugh. Sorry, detective, he just isn't physical that way.
Detective Armstrong: Do you remember the night of April 15th?
Amanda Hansen: You mean the night that Wendy was… well, you know? Yeah, sure.
Detective Armstrong: What do you remember about it?
Amanda Hansen: Well, nothing special happened, if that's what you mean. I wasn't feeling well that day. Seemed like it took forever for the workday to end, you know what I mean? Anyway, I was out of sorts.
Detective Armstrong: And?
Amanda Hansen: Well, when I got home, Peter took pity on me and fed me, gave me a back rub.
Detective Armstrong: Then what did you do?
Amanda Hansen: I watched television a little. Peter did some business stuff.
Detective Armstrong: What kind of business stuff?
Amanda Hansen: He was on the phone for a little while, then at the computer.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know what he was working on?
Amanda Hansen: Not really. I was too wiped to ask, I guess.
Detective Armstrong: Was he working on the negotiations for Ms. Holloway's software program? The new one she had been working on?
Amanda Hansen: I'm not sure if it was that or one of the other projects. Could have been.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know anything about the negotiations he was making on his sister's behalf?
Amanda Hansen: Oh, just that he had contacted a lot of companies by phone, by email, whatever, and was feeling lucky about it.
Detective Armstrong: How's that?
Amanda Hansen: He said he had a good feeling he was going to make a good deal for her.
Detective Armstrong: Okay, so he may have been doing something on that deal that night, and you were watching television, right?
Amanda Hansen: Right. But after a while, I couldn't even bear to watch television.
Detective Armstrong: Did Peter watch television with you?
Amanda Hansen: Just for a short time. He saw I just wasn't up for it, so he ordered me to bed.
Detective Armstrong: Ordered you?
Amanda Hansen: Oh, I'm just joking. He did it in a very caring way. You know, like he wanted to look after me some. It was sweet. He even carried me up to bed.
Detective Armstrong: Nice. So, what time was that?
Amanda Hansen: About 10:00 p.m., I think.
Detective Armstrong: And did Peter also go to bed at that time?
Amanda Hansen: No. He worked a while longer.
Detective Armstrong: What time did he get to bed?
Amanda Hansen: Not really sure. I took a sleeping pill to make sure I slept, but it seems to me he crawled into bed not too long later. I remember waking for a second.
Detective Armstrong: What time was that?
Amanda Hansen: I didn't look at the clock, but I don't think it was too much later than me.
Detective Armstrong: Did either of you go out that night?
Amanda Hansen: No.
Detective Armstrong: You're sure?
Amanda Hansen: Oh yes. I know I didn't, and Peter's car has kind of a loud engine, so if he'd driven his car, it would have woken me up. I promise you, it could wake the dead! That thing is 30 years old!
Detective Armstrong: You seem very clear on things from that night.
Amanda Hansen: Do I? Well, I guess it's just that I was sick. See, I hardly ever get sick. I mean, like never. So maybe that's why it stuck in my mind. You know what I mean?
Detective Armstrong: Okay. Is there anything else you think we should know?
Amanda Hansen: I don't think so. I mean, it's a shame about Wendy. She was so young. And even worse, she and Peter had just finally managed to smooth things out between them. And you know, he lost his dad a couple years ago, so this has hit him pretty hard.
Detective Armstrong: Really? How so?
Amanda Hansen: Oh, he's having trouble sleeping, not eating very well, losing weight. Like part of him died too, you know?
Detective Armstrong: I understand.
Amanda Hansen: Anyway, he just hasn't been the same since.
Detective Armstrong: By the way, what time did you get up the next morning? Do you remember?
Amanda Hansen: About 8:00, 8:30 a.m.
Detective Armstrong: And Peter?
Amanda Hansen: Oh, it was late, about noon, I think. He wasn't feeling too well. Think maybe he got a touch of the bug I had the night before.
Detective Armstrong: Okay. Well, thanks again for your time. If we have any more questions, my office will contact you.
Amanda Hansen: You're welcome. Hope I helped.
Detective Armstrong: Yes, ma'am.
Interview ended – 5:29 p.m.