Rick Crawford interview #2
Saturday, September 3, 2022 – 10:00 a.m.
Rick Crawford is the manager of the Rebel Inn motel. He called 911 to report a housekeeper had found a human finger in Room 120 on August 21st.
Detectives Murphy and Parker re-interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective S. Murphy
- Detective E. Parker
- Rick Crawford
Detective Murphy: Thanks for coming in, Rick. Would you give us your name and address for the record, please?
Rick Crawford: Hello again, detectives. I'm Rick Crawford, and I live at 2133 South Lamar Boulevard. How can I help?
Detective Murphy: Did anyone call the Rebel Inn or come looking for Oscar Knight after the story about the finger was on the news?
Rick Crawford: I received a lot of calls about the finger, but no one asked specifically about Mr. Knight.
Detective Murphy: What were they calling about?
Rick Crawford: It seemed like they were just curious, like they wanted the gory details or something. But I didn't tell them anything, not that I have anything to tell.
Detective Parker: Rick, you told us before that you saw Oscar around 7:00 p.m. on August 20th, right?
Rick Crawford: Right.
Detective Parker: Can you tell us where you were after that until you called 911 the next day?
Rick Crawford: No. I mean, I can't prove where I was. I worked the front desk Saturday night until about 11:00 p.m. Then I went to my room, read a little, took a shower, and went to bed. On Sunday, I was up and in the second-floor lobby by 6:00 a.m. We put out a continental breakfast there, and I like to make sure everything's in order and get a bite for myself before the guests start coming in to eat. Then I went and worked in the office until Raquel came and told me about the finger.
Detective Parker: No one can vouch for you?
Rick Crawford: No, I was alone. You have to believe me. I didn't have anything to do with what happened to Mr. Knight. I swear I didn't.
Detective Murphy: What kind of employee is Raquel Santos?
Rick Crawford: She's fine. She's an excellent housekeeper.
Detective Murphy: Have you ever gotten any complaints about her from the guests or the other employees?
Rick Crawford: Employees always complain about each other. That's nothing special.
Detective Murphy: And the guests?
Rick Crawford: Well, Raquel does have a little bit of a temper, but she's usually very good about keeping that from the guests.
Detective Murphy: But sometimes she doesn't?
Rick Crawford: Very rarely. It's only happened a few times when a guest was especially inappropriate or unpleasant to her.
Detective Parker: You mean a guest like Oscar Knight?
Rick Crawford: Well … I'm not sure how to answer that. Mr. Knight was a very particular man.
Detective Parker: The type of person she's clashed with in the past?
Rick Crawford: I don't want to give you the wrong impression.
Detective Murphy: Don't worry about that. Just tell us.
Rick Crawford: All right, yes. Mr. Knight was the type of person she might've lost her temper with. But as far as I know, that never happened. He never complained about her, and she never complained about him. So all I'm saying is that it's theoretically possible, but I don't think anything actually happened.
Detective Parker: Raquel never said anything about Oscar being inappropriate or unpleasant with her?
Rick Crawford: Not to me.
Detective Murphy: Did any of your other employees have any problems with Oscar Knight?
Rick Crawford: I don't think so.
Detective Murphy: And Oscar never complained about anyone who works at the Rebel Inn?
Rick Crawford: Well, he complained about me. But I already told you about that. He was unhappy about the location of his room, the size of the bathroom, the card key, the noise. But I don't think he was really that upset.
Detective Parker: Did he complain about you to anyone else like your boss?
Rick Crawford: Not that I know of. Just to me.
Detective Murphy: All right, Rick. Thanks for your help. We'll be in touch if we need anything else.
Rick Crawford: Have a great day, detectives, and good luck. I hope you find the killer soon.
Interview ended – 10:24 a.m.