Evidence inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy. Det. E. Parker
Incident No.: 001653-31C-2024
Case Description: Wendell Martinson homicide investigation

The following items were taken into evidence from the crime scene at the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit church at 99 CR 2011.

Additional evidence collected at autopsy will be inventoried by the coroner's office and transferred to CSU.


Click to enlarge
  • 001653-01: One (1) metal cross, 16" x 24"
  • 001653-02: One (1) wooden crucifix, 4" x 8"
  • 001653-03: One (1) business card, crumpled with handwritten note on back
    • Note reads: Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Prov. 28:13
  • 001653-04: Blood sample taken from south wall
  • 001653-05: Blood sample taken from south wall
  • 001653-06: Blood sample taken from north wall
  • 001653-07: Blood sample taken from north wall
  • 001653-08: Blood sample taken from east wall
  • 001653-09: Blood sample taken from east wall
  • 001653-10: Blood sample taken from west wall
  • 001653-11: Blood sample taken from west wall
  • 001653-12: Blood sample taken from ceiling
  • 001653-13: Blood sample taken from ceiling
  • 001653-14: One (1) carpet section, 10' x 8' with blood stains



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