Canvass – Littleton / Sanford neighbors
YCSD investigators interviewed neighbors of Deirdre Littleton and Liam Sanford, who live at 410 Thacker Loop.
The investigators wanted to find out if any of the nearby residents could confirm Ms. Littleton's and Mr. Sanford's whereabouts on Easter Sunday or could provide any information about the family.
The interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to the investigation and are representative of all interviews conducted.
408 Thacker Loop
Fred Hoover
408 Thacker Loop
Mr. Hoover said he used to be good friends with his next-door neighbor, Emmett Sanford, but hasn't seen Sanford very often since he moved out about a year ago. Hoover said Deirdre Littleton was never very friendly to him when she was married, and that had not changed since the divorce.
Hoover said he does spend time with Liam Sanford occasionally, helping him with yard work in exchange for Liam helping him when his computer has problems. Hoover said Liam has become more withdrawn since the divorce, which Hoover attributes to Littleton overreacting and breaking up the family.
Hoover said he woke up around 9:00 a.m. Easter Sunday and saw Littleton pull into her driveway about half an hour later. Hoover said he did not see Liam in the car with her and did not remember seeing Liam at all that day.
411 Thacker Loop
Karin Shaw
411 Thacker Loop
Mrs. Shaw said she has known Deirdre Littleton for years and said Littleton has always been an excellent mother.
Shaw said what Emmett Sanford did was unforgivable, and Littleton had done the right thing by divorcing him. Shaw said, after all the loud arguments Littleton and Sanford had when Sanford came to pick up Liam in the initial months after the breakup, she didn't blame Littleton for not letting Emmett Sanford even come to the front door anymore and making him wait in his car in the driveway for Liam to come out.
When asked if she had seen Littleton or Liam on Easter Sunday, Shaw said she heard Littleton drive out around 6:15 that morning. When asked if Littleton left alone, Shaw said she had assumed Liam was with Littleton, but when Littleton returned several hours later, Shaw saw that Littleton was alone.
Shaw said she was surprised that Littleton had been gone so long because Littleton had told Shaw she was planning to attend the sunrise service and then return home. Shaw said she went across the street to make sure Littleton was all right, and Littleton told her the news about Pastor Martinson's murder.
Shaw said she did not see Liam when she was at the Littleton house that morning, but assumed he was in his bedroom.
412 Thacker Loop
Patricia Bailey
412 Thacker Loop
Mrs. Bailey said she and her family regularly socialized with the Sanford family prior to the Sanfords' divorce and have tried to stay friendly with all parties since the Sanford marriage broke up.
Bailey said she and her husband have entertained Deirdre Littleton and Emmett Sanford separately in their home during the last year. Although it has been several months since Emmett Sanford came over for dinner, Bailey has seen him drive by his former home late at night many times.
Bailey added that her 15-year-old daughter has gotten closer to Liam, who has been struggling since his father moved out. She said her daughter thinks Liam is finally "starting to come out of his funk," which Mrs. Bailey noted is the first positive thing that's happened to the family in a long time.
Bailey said she and her family were out of town Easter weekend and did not return until Sunday evening.