Alison Plunk interview
Tuesday, January 2, 2023 – 9:30 a.m.
Alison Plunk was Jared Plunk's wife and was attending the Elvis conference with him.
Detectives Murphy and Parker interviewed her in a meeting room at the YCCC.
- Detective S. Murphy
- Detective E. Parker
- Alison Plunk
Detective Parker: Mrs. Plunk, thank you for talking to us. We're so sorry for your loss, but we have a few questions we hope you can answer.
Alison Plunk: Thank you. I'll be glad to help in any way I can.
Detective Parker: You and Mr. Plunk were married how long?
Alison Plunk: Eighteen years.
Detective Murphy: How would you characterize your marriage?
Alison Plunk: I don't know. We had our ups and downs.
Detective Murphy: Any recent problems?
Alison Plunk: Nothing out of the ordinary. Jared was a difficult man.
Detective Murphy: How so?
Alison Plunk: He was obsessed with Elvis. Elvis this, Elvis that.
Detective Parker: So you didn't approve of what he was doing?
Alison Plunk: I got tired of hearing all that Elvis stuff. I told him to let it die — the man's been dead for decades — but he was fanatical about it.
Detective Parker: Why did you come to the conference with him if you didn't approve?
Alison Plunk: Jared insisted that I come with him. And why should he be the only one to have a vacation? So I decided to come along. But I told him I had no intention of attending his silly conference. I had my own plans to go out and do some shopping.
Detective Parker: How did he take that?
Alison Plunk: Take it? I told him he could take it or leave it. I didn't come here to sit around listening to people cry over some dead, overweight drug abuser.
Detective Murphy: Mrs. Plunk, I think we should be clear on your relationship with your husband. It sounds like you were having problems.
Alison Plunk: As I said, detective, we had the usual disagreements, like any married couple.
Detective Murphy: So if witnesses told us they overheard you and Mr. Plunk arguing last night, what would that argument have been about?
Alison Plunk: Married stuff, detective. Nobody's business.
Detective Murphy: Perhaps you were angry enough with your husband to want him dead.
Alison Plunk: What? No. He made me mad, but no, I wouldn't wish anyone dead. And I didn't kill him.
Detective Murphy: Were you arguing about the conference or something else?
Alison Plunk: I'm sure you already know.
Detective Murphy: Maybe we heard wrong.
Alison Plunk: It was another woman, okay? I found out Jared was having another one of his flings with some twit named Kelly. I heard she was at the conference too, and I told him to tell her to get lost, or I'd do it and make a big scene about it.
Detective Parker: Did he talk to her?
Alison Plunk: I don't know. I left after that. I went for a walk, and then I went upstairs to go to bed.
Detective Parker: What time did you get back?
Alison Plunk: I'm not sure, but I think it was after midnight. After I came back, I stopped in the bar and had a couple glasses of wine before I went upstairs. You can ask the bartender.
Detective Parker: Yes, we'll do that. When was the last time you saw your husband?
Alison Plunk: That argument was the last time I saw him. When I went upstairs, the room was dark. We had a two-bedroom suite, so I slept in the other bedroom. I shut the door, so I don't know what time he got back.
Detective Parker: What time did you get up?
Alison Plunk: I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and made some coffee.
Detective Parker: Did you see your husband then?
Alison Plunk: The bedroom door was closed, so I assumed Jared was still asleep. After my shower, I went in there to get my jewelry and saw the room was empty. The bed looked like it hadn't been slept in. I assume he spent the night with that tramp, Kelly. Then one of the officers came and told me what had happened, that they had found Jared dead downstairs. I think you should talk to that Kelly. Who knows? Could be he was cheating on her too. Maybe she killed him.
Detective Murphy: Do you know Kelly's last name or anything else about her that might help us find her?
Alison Plunk: No. I don't have the time or the desire to keep up with all of my husband's … outside interests.
Detective Murphy: Who told you about her? Maybe that person could help us find her.
Alison Plunk: I don't remember. Are we almost done? There are a lot of things I need to attend to because of … all this mess.
Detective Parker: Yes, ma'am. We understand. Thanks again for your time. We'll be in touch.
Interview ended – 9:52 a.m.