Quentin Evans bio
Quentin Evans was born to Earl and Olivia Evans on May 22, 1955. Earl worked for Norfolk Southern Railroad, and Olivia was a surgical nurse. They never intended to have children, but three years into their marriage, Olivia became pregnant. Even after Quentin was born, Earl was away for work more than he was home, and Olivia worked 12-hour shifts while babysitters looked after the baby.
When Quentin was old enough for school, neighbors took care of him after he rode the bus home until one of his parents arrived home, usually at his bedtime. His parents provided for him financially, while Quentin learned to fend for himself.
After graduation, Quentin left home and never looked back. He often wondered if his parents even realized he was gone. He ended up in Mississippi and started a career as a postal carrier, where he fell in love with the mail clerk, Mollie Ann Mavers. A Justice of the Peace married them on February 14, 1975.
From the first time they met, Quentin knew Mollie, two years his junior, loved Elvis and his music, but he didn't understand how much until after they were married. He was a bit surprised by the depth of her fandom, but he was so in love with his young wife that everything about her was charming and delightful. For the first time in his life, he was truly happy.
When Mollie announced she was expecting, they were overjoyed. A few months later, she miscarried, and both were heartbroken. Mollie immersed herself even more into her Elvis fandom, which Quentin thought was her way of coping with the loss, but before long, Elvis was all she ever talked about.
He bought her a Cocker Spaniel puppy, hoping it would pull her out of Elvis mode and back to him. When Mollie named the puppy "Presley," Quentin knew his plan hadn't worked and worried he was losing her.
In August 1977, Quentin was driving home when he heard on the radio that Elvis had died. He hoped Mollie might finally free herself from Elvis's spell, but as soon as he walked in the door, his hopes were dashed.
Mollie was huddled on their bedroom floor, wailing. He held her all night long while she cried. By morning, both of them were exhausted, but Mollie's hysterical sobbing had finally ebbed to silent weeping. Quentin called in sick to work and put Mollie to bed. He laid down beside her so they could both get a few hours of desperately needed sleep.
When he woke up, Mollie's side of the bed was empty. He found her lying on the bathroom floor in her own vomit. He called 911, but it was too late. Mollie was gone.
Quentin never recovered from the loss of his wife. Since her death, Quentin has devoted himself to dispelling the mystique of Elvis and other pop culture icons so other families don't lose their precious loved ones as he did.