Wyatt Yancey interview
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – 11:25 p.m.
Wyatt Yancey is a student at Northwest Mississippi Community College and a former resident of the 24/7 live stream show, Under Glass: The Study of Generation Z in the Real.
Detective Beckwith talked to him at the apartment he shares with his girlfriend, Shiloh Bates.
- Detective P. Beckwith
- Wyatt Yancey
Wyatt Yancey: Sorry for the mess. We were doing stuff for a film.
Detective Beckwith: Right. Please state your name and address for the record.
Wyatt Yancey: Wyatt Richard Yancey. I live at 1021 Molly Barr Road now, which is here. I used to live at Under Glass on Muirfield Drive.
Detective Beckwith: How long have you lived here?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, hold on a sec. Hey, babe, when did we move in here?
Detective Beckwith: Please don't call out to Miss Bates. It's important that you answer the questions in your own words without her help, okay?
Wyatt Yancey: Okay. Sorry. Got it. Uh, It was right around the end of September. Like, I had practice that week, and it was the only day I didn't practice, so Friday. Yeah, Friday the 29th. I remember since me and Shiloh were supposed to go out, but we had to move.
Detective Beckwith: What do you practice?
Wyatt Yancey: Baseball. I'm really trying to stay on the team, but this whole thing is getting in the way.
Detective Beckwith: What whole thing?
Wyatt Yancey: This whole Biffle B.S., and plus, I'm not doing so good grade-wise, so I might not make it to graduation. Plus, I think my coach is not happy that I'm bangin' Shiloh on camera.
Detective Beckwith: What do you mean by Biffle B.S.?
Wyatt Yancey: He used to be an okay guy, you know? But he just got to be where he made Shiloh unhappy, and that's unacceptable to me.
Detective Beckwith: Did you do something to Mr. Biffle?
Wyatt Yancey: Well, I can't really say that I actually did something to him.
Detective Beckwith: What does that mean?
Wyatt Yancey: I wanted to, but I didn't. He pissed me off so bad. Did you see it? On the Under Glass livestream? I gave him hell right to the camera.
Detective Beckwith: When was that?
Wyatt Yancey: The day he tossed us out. I let him know he wasn't going to get away with it. If I had anything to say, he'd regret his actions.
Detective Beckwith: What did you say exactly?
Wyatt Yancey: I don't remember exactly, but it was something like, "I'll have your a** when you least expect it." I wanted him to sweat a little.
Detective Beckwith: When was the last time you saw Mr. Biffle?
Wyatt Yancey: I don't even remember. The coward didn't show his face the day we got tossed. He's spineless, you know.
Detective Beckwith: When was the last time you were at the Under Glass house?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, like when I lived there?
Detective Beckwith: Is that a question, or is that your answer?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, my answer?
Detective Beckwith: Where were you today between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.?
Wyatt Yancey: Here. I was here. With Shiloh. We were here.
Detective Beckwith: Can anyone other than Shiloh corroborate that for you?
Wyatt Yancey: I don't know.
Detective Beckwith: You don't know if anyone can corroborate?
Wyatt Yancey: I don't know what that means. Like, if anyone can back me up?
Detective Beckwith: Yes, can anyone confirm that you were here at home?
Wyatt Yancey: Nah, just me and Shiloh, and the camera, and these toys. But we have video. So yeah, I can … whatever you called it. So, is that it?
Detective Beckwith: No, not quite. After you threatened Mr. Biffle, did you try to find him?
Wyatt Yancey: No, I didn't try to find him. It wasn't a real threat, you know. I was just pissed, and Shiloh was so upset, and so I called him out.
Detective Beckwith: Did he ever treat you unfairly?
Wyatt Yancey: Well, only after he found out we were having sex off-camera.
Detective Beckwith: How did he treat you unfairly?
Wyatt Yancey: He was all up in our business. Like it was fun at first, but then, you know, it just gets too much. Me and Shiloh needed some private time. So he was all, like, yelling at us for breaking the rules.
Detective Beckwith: Were you breaking the rules?
Wyatt Yancey: Well, yeah, but still.
Detective Beckwith: Have you ever gone into the control shed in the backyard of the Under Glass house?
Wyatt Yancey: Me? No. Not me. I never went in there.
Detective Beckwith: Do you know someone who did?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, do I know someone? Well, yeah, the geek who worked there and Hoyt, of course. But nobody else for sure.
Detective Beckwith: Do you know of anyone who might've wanted Mr. Biffle dead?
Wyatt Yancey: Dead? Not dead, no. Why would you ask that? Seems kinda extreme.
Detective Beckwith: Because Hoyt Biffle is dead, and we're investigating.
Wyatt Yancey: Hoyt? Hoyt's dead?
Detective Beckwith: Yes?
Wyatt Yancey: Oh. Wow. No way. That sucks.
Detective Beckwith: Did you have any contact with him today?
Wyatt Yancey: No. Not at all. I told you, I haven't seen him in like forever. Like not even when he … he … oh, this looks bad now, with the … when I said … but it wasn't what you think. I was just showing off for Shiloh's fans.
Detective Beckwith: How did the other residents feel about him, do you know?
Wyatt Yancey: They were all cool, I think. I mean, I never heard anyone say anything bad about him. It's not like they talked to me too much, though.
Detective Beckwith: Did it bother you that they didn't talk to you too much?
Wyatt Yancey: Kinda. It's like my whole social life ended when me and Shiloh hooked up. So it kinda became the Shiloh show with me doing what she told me to do. Before that, I was friends with the other residents. I missed hanging out with them, kinda.
Detective Beckwith: Okay, thank you, Mr. Yancey. We'll be in touch. In the meantime, if you think of anything that might help the investigation, please call. Okay?
Wyatt Yancey: Yes, I will. Yes. For sure.
Interview ended – 11:42 p.m.