Wyatt Yancey interview #3
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 – 5:35 p.m.
Wyatt Yancey is a student at Northwest Mississippi Community College and a former resident of the 24/7 live stream show, Under Glass: The Study of Generation Z in the Real.
Detectives Beckwith and Magee spoke with him again at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective P. Beckwith
- Detective J. Magee
- Wyatt Yancey
Detective Magee: Please state your name and address for the record.
Wyatt Yancey: Wyatt Yancey, and I live at Clear Glass at 1021 Molly Barr Road.
Detective Beckwith: Clear Glass?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah. Me and Shiloh are gonna name our place and maybe have people live in it and stream the sexy activities. Don't tell Shiloh, though. I haven't asked her yet, so she hasn't said yes.
Detective Magee: Mr. Yancey, aren't the name and, uh, activities awfully close to the Under Glass business already started by Hoyt Biffle?
Wyatt Yancey: Nah. It's totally different. We're gonna show the sex. Like me and Shiloh are making videos already, but we're gonna get some roommates and stream it. Maybe. If Shiloh approves. Ah, man. Promise you won't mention this. I shouldn't've said anything.
Detective Beckwith: Mr. Yancey, last time we talked, you told us Shiloh was trying to get video footage from the time she was a resident at Under Glass. How was she doing that?
Wyatt Yancey: Doing what?
Detective Beckwith: Acquiring the video footage.
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, she was maybe talking to Kenny.
Detective Magee: Wasn't that breaking the rules?
Wyatt Yancey: Talking? Nah. Not really. We weren't supposed to be in the shed.
Detective Magee: Were you in the shed?
Wyatt Yancey: Me? Nah. Not me.
Detective Beckwith: Shiloh?
Wyatt Yancey: Shiloh? Nah. Not her, either. I mean, I know you found her, uh, unmentionables in there, but like I told you last time, Kenny may've paid for those. It doesn't prove she was in there, right?
Detective Beckwith: Right. What about the empty can of Red Bull peach?
Wyatt Yancey: Well, sure, that's her favorite, but she's not the only person who drinks that.
Detective Magee: Who else drinks it?
Wyatt Yancey: I really don't know. I think it's gross, but somebody else on the planet must drink it, or they wouldn't sell it anymore, right? So, an empty can doesn't prove anything.
Detective Magee: This one has her fingerprints all over it. Can you explain that?
Wyatt Yancey: Well…they wore gloves, maybe? And put it in there to make Shiloh look guilty?
Detective Beckwith: Who are "they," do you think?
Wyatt Yancey: I don't think anything, except it could've been someone or someones else.
Detective Magee: Someones?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah. Like I said before, "they." Look. I don't know anything specifically. All I know is Shiloh deserved her property.
Detective Beckwith: And how far was she willing to go to get it?
Wyatt Yancey: Not too far. I mean, she was talking to Kenny about getting the video stuff, and he worked in the shed in the backyard, so a couple hundred feet from the house, maybe?
Detective Magee: Are you serious, Mr. Yancey?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah. You were out there. It's not that far from the house to the shed.
Detective Magee: Okay, sure. Was Shiloh inside the shed at any point?
Wyatt Yancey: No. No, she was not. That was against the rules.
Detective Beckwith: Why the sudden concern with the rules? You were evicted for repeatedly breaking them.
Wyatt Yancey: Well, you know, there are rules, and there are rules.
Detective Magee: Which ones were you breaking, do you think?
Wyatt Yancey: We just wanted some privacy. I don't think that's asking too much.
Detective Beckwith: It is when you've signed an agreement. You were willing to break that rule, and Shiloh was talking to Kenny about getting video footage that belonged to Hoyt Biffle, and she was doing this, by your admission, near the shed. What's to stop her from going inside the shed?
Wyatt Yancey: Shiloh didn't need to go in the shed. She'd meet with Kenny outside the shed.
Detective Magee: When was this?
Wyatt Yancey: Like a couple of days after we moved out.
Detective Beckwith: And you were evicted on September 29th, correct?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah, that sounds right.
Detective Beckwith: You're not sure when you were evicted from Under Glass? Really?
Wyatt Yancey: I mean, yeah, I'm sure. I just don't know exactly when Shiloh and Kenny, uh, you know, uh, met up.
Detective Magee: Then how do you know she met him outside the shed?
Wyatt Yancey: She told me.
Detective Beckwith: And you believe her?
Wyatt Yancey: Well, yeah. Plus, she's afraid of spiders.
Detective Magee: Were there spiders in there that you saw?
Wyatt Yancey: I never saw. I never went in, but being a shed in a backyard, there's gotta be spiders.
Detective Beckwith: Okay, Mr. Yancey. That's all for now.
Interview ended – 5:57 p.m.