Wyatt Yancey interview #4
Thursday, October 26, 2023 – 5:55 p.m.
Wyatt Yancey is a student at Northwest Mississippi Community College and a former resident of the 24/7 live stream show, Under Glass: The Study of Generation Z in the Real.
He came into the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department to talk to Detectives Beckwith and Magee.
- Detective P. Beckwith
- Detective J. Magee
- Wyatt Yancey
Detective Magee: Thank you for contacting us, Wyatt. If you'll first state your name and address for the record, then we can get to the reason you're here today.
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah. I'm Wyatt Yancey, and I live at Clear Glass at 1021 Molly Barr Road. And I'm really sorry.
Detective Magee: What for?
Wyatt Yancey: For … for not … I mean … I guess I have to say for not telling the whole truth.
Detective Beckwith: You lied to us? About what?
Wyatt Yancey: Look. Shiloh was super pissed at Hoyt. But we didn't kill him.
Detective Beckwith: That's good to know. What did you do?
Wyatt Yancey: We … well, not we … Shiloh went in the shed. With Kenny. She was checking it out so we could get her property.
Detective Magee: And Kenny just let her in to check out the space?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh…no. Kenny got…benefits.
Detective Magee: Benefits? What kind of benefits?
Wyatt Yancey: Sexual favors.
Detective Beckwith: So she had sex with Kenny in the shed?
Wyatt Yancey: Yes.
Detective Beckwith: What was she after?
Wyatt Yancey: She had to get in there to see where the backup drive was so we could get it. So we lied about that. She was in the shed.
Detective Magee: What do you mean by "backup drive?"
Wyatt Yancey: The … computer backup.
Detective Beckwith: Why would Shiloh need the computer backup?
Wyatt Yancey: For the computer video. For the livestream. I'm… I don't know, actually. Shiloh needed to get in there for some backup thing. The drive thing. The drive.
Detective Beckwith: Did she kill Hoyt?
Wyatt Yancey: No! No, she did not kill Hoyt!
Detective Beckwith: Did you kill Hoyt?
Wyatt Yancey: No! Nobody killed Hoyt! I mean, obviously, somebody killed Hoyt, but not me or Shiloh. We just took the drive. We had to get her property.
Detective Magee: So you stole Hoyt's property?
Wyatt Yancey: It wasn't his. It was Shiloh's. I mean, technically, the drive was his, but he can have that back. She just needed her property. You understand, right?
Detective Beckwith: It wasn't her property, Wyatt. It was Hoyt's property. Neither you nor Shiloh had any right to go into that shed and take anything. So you're admitting to stealing from Hoyt Biffle. You understand, right?
Wyatt Yancey: I don't understand anything. Shiloh says it's hers, and she's only taking what's hers. You say it's stealing.
Detective Beckwith: It is stealing.
Wyatt Yancey: We're in big trouble, aren't we?
Detective Magee: Yes. But you've come forward, and that's good, Wyatt. Anything else you need to tell us?
Wyatt Yancey: We gave the drive to a guy to get Shiloh's property off of it.
Detective Magee: You mean you gave the property you stole from Hoyt to some guy?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah. Sorry. She made me practice and practice saying that it was her property.
Detective Beckwith: Who'd you give the drive to, Wyatt?
Wyatt Yancey: A guy named Matt Hyde. He works at a place that recovers your stuff when your computer crashes. And other stuff, too.
Detective Magee: Do you remember the name of the business?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, I think so. Capture It? I think that's what it's called. Capture It. And we went there before you came to our house the night Hoyt was killed.
Detective Beckwith: What time?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh...around 4:15 p.m.? 4:30 p.m. maybe?
Detective Beckwith: When did you leave the store?
Wyatt Yancey: Closing time. 6:00 p.m. on the nose. He had some cool stuff to look at—used stuff, cameras, and stuff. We left and came home and set up to shoot our video. That's why I was so nervous—lying to you about where we were and all.
Detective Magee: Are you okay, Wyatt? I mean, is she hurting you?
Wyatt Yancey: Nah. She just wants what she wants is all.
Detective Beckwith: How many times was she in the shed with Kenny?
Wyatt Yancey: I'm not exactly sure. Three maybe? Four? First, she didn't include me in a bunch of the planning, and second, it … well, it kinda bothered me. You know, what they were doing in there.
Detective Magee: When were you in the shed?
Wyatt Yancey: A couple of days before Hoyt died. The Monday. That's when I got in and … stole it … the drive.
Detective Beckwith: Is it still at the store where you dropped it off?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah.
Detective Beckwith: We need the info on that video recovery place, Wyatt. The business name, the name of the guy you spoke to, the address...you need to write it down for us.
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah, sure, of course. No problem.
Detective Magee: Okay, Wyatt. Thank you for coming to us with the truth.
Wyatt Yancey: This is gonna ruin it for me for baseball, isn't it?
Detective Beckwith: I wish I could lie to you and tell you no.
Interview ended – 6:16 p.m.