Dr. Pace's computer contents


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 005064-10J-2022
Case Description: Kimberly Pace homicide investigation

Computer technicians have analyzed the contents of Kimberly Pace's laptop computer and the two USB thumb drives found in her briefcase.

The following is a summary of files and programs found. It is not a detailed listing of each individual file found.

005064-02-01: Apple MacBook Air computer and peripherals:


  • macOS Catalina 10.15.7
  • Adobe Acrobat X Pro
  • Adobe After Effects CS5.5
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5
  • Adobe Illustrator CS5.1
  • Adobe InDesign CS5.5
  • Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5.1
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
  • BBEdit.app
  • Calculator.app
  • Calendar.app
  • Final Cut Pro.app
  • OpenOffice.app
  • Opera GX.app
  • Photos.app
  • Preview.app
  • QuickBooks.app
  • QuickTime Player.app
  • Remote Desktop Connection.app
  • Safari.app
  • Siri.app
  • System Preferences.app
  • TechTool Pro 13.app
  • TextEdit.app
  • TextWrangler.app
  • Time Machine.app
  • zoom.us.app

Data Files

  • 207 lecture notes (Open Document Format)
  • 207 syllabus (Open Document Format)
  • 221 lecture notes (Open Document Format)
  • 221 syllabus (Open Document Format)
  • 223 lecture notes (Open Document Format)
  • 223 syllabus (Open Document Format)
  • bierce (Open Document Format)
  • bierce life (Open Document Format)
  • bierce notes (Open Document Format)
  • bierce works (Open Document Format)
  • graceland (Open Document Format)
  • graceland2 (Open Document Format)
  • graceland3 (Open Document Format)
  • quotes (Open Document Format)
  • publishme (Open Document Format)
  • twain (Open Document Format)
  • twain life (Open Document Format)
  • twain notes (Open Document Format)
  • twain works (Open Document Format)
  • vitae (Open Document Format)
  • mailbox (Outlook Mail Files)

Password-protected files. Decryption in progress.

  • grades (MS Excel Spreadsheet Format)
  • evals (Open Document Format)
  • journal (Open Document Format)
  • kimberly (Quicken Data Format)

005064-02-02: USB thumb drive

  • evals (Open Document Format) *
  • grades (MS Excel Spreadsheet Format) *

* Password protected. Decryption in progress.

005064-02-03: USB thumb drive

  • bierce life (Open Document Format)
  • publishme (Open Document Format)
  • twain notes (Open Document Format)



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