Evidence analysis summary


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy. Det. T. Armstrong
Incident No.: 005064-10J-2022
Case Description: Kimberly Pace death investigation

The complete catalog of fingerprint and trace evidence collected from Kimberly Pace's kitchen and basement is extensive and highly technical. This document summarizes the relevant inventory and initial analysis results. Additional analysis will be completed before this matter comes to trial.

The Pace crime scene (1592 Jackson Avenue) remains sealed pending release by the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department and/or the Yoknapatawpha County District Attorney and/or defense counsel when identified.



In addition to Kimberly Pace's fingerprints, the following people's fingerprints were found in the locations indicated. (names listed in alphabetical order)

  • Paul Evans — on the countertops, cabinets, refrigerator, on the kitchen and basement sides of the basement door, and on the kitchen side of the porch door
  • Jeremy Gladwell — on the countertops, cabinets, microwave, refrigerator, on the basement side of the basement door, and on the porch side of the porch door
  • Miguel Ochoa — on the countertops and on the kitchen and basement sides of the basement door
  • Becky Pace — on the countertops, cabinets, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, and on the kitchen and basement sides of the basement door
  • Cheryl Weston — on the countertops, cabinets, dishwasher, refrigerator, and on the basement side of the basement door
  • Unidentified — on the countertops, cabinets, microwave, refrigerator, on the kitchen side of the basement door, and on the kitchen side of the porch door


  • The "basement door" refers to the door between the kitchen and the stairs to the basement.
  • The "porch door" refers to the door between the kitchen and the covered porch/patio.
  • No fingerprints were found on the light switch or light switch plate in the kitchen.


Trace Evidence

  • Four flakes of dried blood were found on the kitchen floor. Tests confirmed they were all human blood and were all type O+, which is consistent with Kimberly Pace's blood type. DNA tests are pending to determine whether it was her blood.
  • A white fiber was found on the light switch.





In addition to Kimberly Pace's fingerprints, the following people's fingerprints were found in the locations indicated. (names listed in alphabetical order)

  • Arthur Beck — on the band saw, the turning tools and supplies, other assorted tools, and the workbenches in the shop
  • Paul Evans — on the stairwell wall; on the shelves, assorted boxes, and the pet supplies in the storage room; on the shop light switch, and on the lathe, the band saw, the turning tools and supplies, other assorted tools, the shelves and workbenches, and the works in progress in the shop.
  • Jeremy Gladwell — on the stairwell wall, on the shelves, and on the pet supplies in the storage room
  • Jacob Hunter — on the shelves and workbenches, selected turning tools, the lathe, the band saw, and the works in progress in the shop.
  • Miguel Ochoa — on the stairwell wall; on the shelves, the workbenches, and works in progress in the shop
  • Becky Pace — on the stairwell wall; on assorted boxes, the shelves, and the pet supplies in the storage room.
  • Cheryl Weston — on the stairwell wall; on assorted boxes, and on the shelves in the storage room.
  • Unidentified — on assorted boxes and the pet supplies in the storage room; on the shelves, the workbenches, the turning tools and supplies, other assorted tools, and the works in progress in the shop.


  • No fingerprints were found on the light switch or light switch plate in the basement stairwell.
  • No fingerprints were found on the light fixture in the basement stairwell.


Trace Evidence

Samples of wood dust and shavings as well as hairs and other trace evidence are still being analyzed.

  • Additional blood flakes similar to the ones recovered in the kitchen (human, type O+) were found in the stairwell leading to the basement.
  • Seven flakes were recovered on the different steps of the stairs themselves
  • Eleven flakes were recovered at the bottom of the stairs in the area where the body was found.





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