Arrestee #2 interview
Saturday, September 2, 2023 – 5:40 p.m.
Donald "Dewey" Devoe is the manager of the apartment complex where Kristi Waterson lived. He was arrested on September 2, 2023, for the possession of marijuana with intent to transfer.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Detention Center in the presence of his defense attorney, Alicia Quigley, and prosecutor Calvin Dollarhide.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Donald "Dewey" Devoe
- Calvin Dollarhide, Yoknapatawpha County assistant district attorney
- Alicia Quigley, Yoknapatawpha County public defender
ADA Dollarhide: You wanted to see us.
Alicia Quigley: Yes. My client believes he has information relevant to a current murder investigation and would like to cooperate in exchange for a plea bargain and reduced charges.
Detective Armstrong: He already had a chance to cooperate. We paid him a couple of visits. What's changed?
Dewey Devoe: Dude, I didn't realize you were going to flip out and arrest the wrong person. That's some crazy sh*t.
Detective Murphy: What do you mean, the wrong person?
Dewey Devoe: I—
Alicia Quigley: Wait, Dewey. Deal first, then we talk.
Detective Armstrong: Surely you know how to deal by now, Mr. Devoe.
Dewey Devoe: Shut up. This is total harassment!
Alicia Quigley: Wait, Dewey.
ADA Dollarhide: Detective, please.
Detective Armstrong: My apologies.
ADA Dollarhide: It depends on the information.
Alicia Quigley: My client has exculpatory evidence regarding Mr. Nelson.
Detective Armstrong: Is that so?
ADA Dollarhide: How do we know it's for real?
Alicia Quigley: Mr. Devoe says a sheriff's department officer can corroborate and provide documentation.
ADA Dollarhide: What terms do you propose?
Alicia Quigley: Currently, the charges are possession with intent to transfer. Drop the intent, reduce the charges to simple possession, and give him immunity from further prosecution that might stem from his testimony, and we'll talk.
ADA Dollarhide: I don't know. You're already getting a break. We could have gone for the felony count.
Alicia Quigley: You're willing to let an innocent man be accused of murder because you don't want to reduce charges for Mr. Devoe here—who, incidentally, was allegedly selling a non-addictive substance that's legal in an increasing number of states?
ADA Dollarhide: Take a breath, Ms. Quigley. Mr. Devoe, do you understand you're agreeing to a guilty plea for the possession charge, paying the maximum fine of $3,000?
Dewey Devoe: Yeah.
ADA Dollarhide: If we can't corroborate, the deal is off the table.
Dewey Devoe: Okay, I get it. I'll do it. Can I talk now?
Alicia Quigley: All right.
ADA Dollarhide: Go ahead.
Detective Murphy: Start at the beginning.
Detective Armstrong: You said you spent last Saturday night watching TV reruns. Where does the cop come in?
Dewey Devoe: Dude, chill. I couldn't say anything at the time for obvious reasons, but I saw Hunter Nelson that night.
Detective Armstrong: What night?
Dewey Devoe: He came by the night Kristi died. We hung out together for a while. He needed to replenish his supply. You know, getting ready to party with his girlfriend.
Detective Murphy: When was this, Mr. Devoe?
Dewey Devoe: I don't know. Like around 9:30, 9:45 p.m., or something.
Detective Murphy: What time did he leave?
Dewey Devoe: I got a phone call a few minutes later, and he got up to leave, but I ended up getting a ride with him.
Detective Murphy: Where were you two headed?
Dewey Devoe: I was going to see a friend of mine, maybe going to spend the night. It was on his way home, so it totally worked out.
Detective Armstrong: We're going to need the name of that friend.
Dewey Devoe: I don't want to rat her out.
ADA Dollarhide: Mr. Devoe, you're on thin ice.
Dewey Devoe: That wasn't part of the deal.
Alicia Quigley: Just go ahead, Dewey.
Dewey Devoe: This is a fascist situation, you know that?
Detective Armstrong: Spare us the theatrics. Spill it or take the felony—your call.
Dewey Devoe: Okay. Whatever. Her name is Stacey O'Donnell.
Detective Murphy: Thank you. Go on.
Detective Armstrong: I'm still waiting for the police officer.
Dewey Devoe: Shut up. I'm getting there. I got in the car with Hunter, and everything was cool, but like right before we got to Proud Larry's, we got pulled over by this cop.
Detective Murphy: What street?
Dewey Devoe: I don't know. In front of that Episcopal Church. Maybe South 9th Street?
Detective Murphy: What time was this?
Dewey Devoe: I have no clue. A little after 10:00 p.m., I guess?
Detective Murphy: So you were pulled over by a sheriff's department officer?
Dewey Devoe: Yeah. This cop came up to Hunter and said his tag was expired. I was freaking out, but Hunter was totally cool. He actually had the registration in the glove compartment. It was awesome. The renewal sticker was still, like, stuck to the registration. You know?
Detective Murphy: Okay. So what happened?
Dewey Devoe: The cop was cool about it. He made Hunter get out and put the sticker on, and then he said he was going to give Hunter a warning, and that's it. He wrote something in his book and gave Hunter a copy.
Detective Murphy: Do you have that copy of the warning?
Dewey Devoe: Um, no. And neither does Hunter.
Detective Murphy: How do you know that?
Dewey Devoe: When we got to Proud Larry's, Hunter took the cigarette lighter from the car and set it on fire on the lawn. It was way explosive. The flame was this weird blue-green color.
Detective Armstrong: How imaginative. What happened next?
Dewey Devoe: I went to see Stacey. That was it.
Detective Murphy: What about Mr. Nelson?
Dewey Devoe: He said he was going home, and he drove off in that direction, so I guess that's where he went. After the cop thing, he didn't want to waste any more time. Have you seen Debby? She's totally hot!
Detective Murphy: Charming. Did you see Mr. Nelson again that night?
Dewey Devoe: No.
Detective Murphy: How did you get home?
Dewey Devoe: I don't remember exactly. It was later, like midnight or something. One of Stacey's friends gave me a ride. Kimberly or something?
Detective Armstrong: And when you got back home, you didn't see Mr. Nelson again?
Dewey Devoe: Dude, no. I already told you.
Detective Armstrong: You already told us a lot of things, Dewey, and they didn't turn out to be true.
Dewey Devoe: Well, I swear I'm telling the truth now. Hunter Nelson would totally never kill anyone. No one I know would.
Alicia Quigley: Okay, Dewey.
ADA Dollarhide: Thank you, Mr. Devoe.
Detective Armstrong: Always a pleasure to see you, Dewey.
Dewey Devoe: Whatever.
Interview ended – 6:12 p.m.