Mickie Webster interview
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 – 1:20 p.m.
Mickie Webster is the head waitress at Home Plate. After speaking to other witnesses, the detectives asked her to come in for a more in-depth conversation than the one they had during the canvass of Home Plate employees.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Mickie Webster
Detective Armstrong: Would you please state your full name and address for the record?
Mickie Webster: Michelle Kathleen Webster, 1011 Benbow Circle, Oxford.
Detective Armstrong: Ms. Webster, we'd like to ask you a few additional questions about Devlin Beauchamp.
Mickie Webster: Of course, ask anything you like. I really want to help. Dev would've liked that.
Detective Murphy: We'd like to know more about your relationship with Mr. Beauchamp—your personal relationship.
Mickie Webster: I told you we were just friends.
Detective Murphy: Tell us about the time when you were more than friends. When did you begin to see Mr. Beauchamp socially?
Mickie Webster: About a year ago, May of 2022.
Detective Murphy: How did you meet?
Mickie Webster: I worked for him. I had worked there a couple of months. We got along really well. We just had a lot of fun, you know? And I always got his jokes. We connected, you know what I mean?
Detective Murphy: Oh, sure I do. And after a couple of months, he just asked you out?
Mickie Webster: Well, we all went out—a bunch of us from the restaurant—I think we were celebrating somebody's birthday … can't remember whose… Anyway, I guess I got a little drunk. Actually, a lot drunk. And I got sick and all that disgusting stuff you really don't want to do in front of somebody you want to impress.
Detective Armstrong: You wanted to impress Mr. Beauchamp?
Mickie Webster: I guess I did. Anyway, he just took care of me. I really didn't remember much, but the next thing I knew, I woke up in his bed. Now, don't get the wrong idea. He was a perfect gentleman. He was sleeping on the floor next to the bed, holding my hand. I guess that's when I really fell for him. After that, we just were together. Seemed the natural thing to do.
Detective Armstrong: And during the relationship, were there any conflicts?
Mickie Webster: Conflicts?
Detective Armstrong: You were also his employee. Did anyone feel you received special treatment, that sort of thing?
Mickie Webster: Well, at first, we tried to just keep it to ourselves, but eventually, everyone knew. There was a little rumbling when I was made head waitress, but nothing serious.
Detective Armstrong: Rumbling?
Mickie Webster: Oh, Millie didn't think it was fair, so we both sat down and talked to her and asked her if she wanted to devote the time and energy and take the extra responsibility. Once she got the full picture, turned out she really wasn't interested in the job. You see what I mean?
Detective Armstrong: Yeah, I get it. So, you had this ideal relationship until… what? What brought about the breakup?
Mickie Webster: Oh, detective, I didn't say it was ideal. We had our tiffs and disagreements like any couple, but yes, it was a good relationship.
Detective Armstrong: But it ended nonetheless?
Mickie Webster: It wasn't an easy decision for either one of us, but I think it was the right one.
Detective Armstrong: What was the trouble?
Mickie Webster: The usual. I wanted more of a commitment, and Dev just couldn't give that. He wasn't built that way.
Detective Armstrong: You wanted to get married. Is that what you mean, ma'am?
Mickie Webster: Yes, that's what I mean. Once you broach the subject of marriage and the two of you don't agree on your visions for the future, things are just never the same, are they?
Detective Armstrong: Couldn't say, ma'am. I've been married to the only girl I ever proposed to for the last 30 years.
Mickie Webster: Congratulations. Sadly most of us aren't as lucky as you, detective.
Detective Armstrong: Apparently not. So, it just ended?
Mickie Webster: Well, there was a lot of talking and tears and negotiating, but yes, it did end.
Detective Armstrong: And when was that?
Mickie Webster: January 31, 2023.
Detective Armstrong: You seem very sure of the date.
Mickie Webster: Two weeks before Valentine's Day.
Detective Armstrong: Okay. So, what about after that? Working together a problem?
Mickie Webster: I think I took a couple weeks off from work. I needed to think things out. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep working there, but he convinced me it would be okay. He wanted me to stay on, and I am good at my job, so I decided I could tough it out.
Detective Armstrong: And did you? Tough it out?
Mickie Webster: We both did. It was hard the first few weeks, then things just smoothed out, and everything was good. We were friends, and it was all okay.
Detective Murphy: So your break up with Mr. Beauchamp had nothing to do with his involvement with Kat Dixon?
Mickie Webster: Kat Dixon? Dev never had a relationship with her. Not that she wouldn't have loved that.
Detective Murphy: You're certain he never had any intimate contact with Ms. Dixon?
Mickie Webster: Well, if he had, I doubt she would have been coming to me for advice on how to "snag" him, right? Asked a lot of questions, some pretty personal too.
Detective Murphy: Such as?
Mickie Webster: Such as what he liked in bed and when he liked to have sex and where. That is one audacious girl!
Detective Murphy: And did you answer her questions?
Mickie Webster: I don't kiss and tell. Not my style.
Detective Murphy: I see. How about other women? Mr. Beauchamp was popular with women in general, isn't that correct?
Mickie Webster: Yes, it was.
Detective Armstrong: What about Natalie Paster or Poster?
Mickie Webster: Who?
Detective Armstrong: Apparently, a past relationship, someone who was possibly stalking Mr. Beauchamp?
Mickie Webster: That just gives me the chills. Dev was being stalked?
Detective Armstrong: It's a possibility.
Mickie Webster: Well, he never told me about it. Sorry, I don't know anything about Dev and any other women. I didn't really want to know. You understand?
Detective Armstrong: Yes, ma'am, I do. Did you have any reason to believe anyone would want to harm Mr. Beauchamp?
Mickie Webster: I knew he and Carl were feuding again.
Detective Armstrong: Feuding?
Mickie Webster: I think Dev was looking into some deals that perhaps didn't include Carl, or at least there wasn't a 50/50 split involved.
Detective Armstrong: What kind of deals?
Mickie Webster: Nothing solid, as far as I knew, but he was getting offers. Plus, Carl imagined Dev had a thing for Kat—which he absolutely did not—but it made Carl jumpy and funny.
Detective Armstrong: How so?
Mickie Webster: I don't know. Carl is usually pretty easygoing, but the last few weeks, Carl always looked on the hunt, looking over his shoulder. And he was obsessed with knowing where Kat was, as if he doesn't dog her enough. Now that is something I feel sorry for her about. Her daddy just can't leave her be for a second.
Detective Murphy: Did Carl ever tell you what he was upset about?
Mickie Webster: No. He just talked in circles about the old days and how things are better if you leave them be sometimes. Progress isn't everything—that sort of thing.
Detective Murphy: Have you ever known Mr. Dixon to become violent?
Mickie Webster: No. He and Dev argued sometimes, but no blows or physical violence—not ever.
Detective Murphy: During your relationship with Mr. Beauchamp, did you have occasion to see him writing in his journals?
Mickie Webster: Sometimes.
Detective Murphy: Did he ever let you read any of them?
Mickie Webster: No, but he didn't deny them to me either. He kept them in a closet, I think. I could've read them if I wanted.
Detective Murphy: But you didn't?
Mickie Webster: Not really.
Detective Armstrong: Even after the breakup?
Mickie Webster: After the breakup, I wouldn't have had access to them, would I?
Detective Armstrong: Maybe you held onto his key?
Mickie Webster: Sorry to disappoint you, detective, but I returned the key to him the day we broke up. I'm sure you'll find it in his personal effects.
Detective Armstrong: So you have no key to Mr. Beauchamp's home?
Mickie Webster: No, sir.
Detective Armstrong: Does anyone else have a key?
Mickie Webster: Only Carl, as far as I know. I'm afraid I need to get home to get ready for work soon. Can we finish this up?
Detective Murphy: Sure, just a few more questions, then we're done. Where were you on the night of May 20th?
Mickie Webster: I was at work until about 9:30 p.m. when I went home with a migraine.
Detective Murphy: Was anyone with you?
Mickie Webster: No, but I did get a call from a girlfriend that night.
Detective Murphy: What time was that?
Mickie Webster: It was about 11:30 p.m., I think?
Detective Murphy: Your friend's name?
Mickie Webster: Dorothy Rebine, 719 University.
Detective Murphy: We'll be getting in touch with her.
Mickie Webster: No doubt. Anything else?
Detective Murphy: You left work at 9:30 p.m., and then what?
Mickie Webster: I went to James Food Center, picked up a few things—coffee, orange juice, some aspirin—then I went home.
Detective Murphy: What time did you arrive home?
Mickie Webster: It was probably about 10:00 p.m.
Detective Murphy: Anyone see you arrive home?
Mickie Webster: I don't know. My drive is up the alley, and I came in through the back door. I'm not sure my neighbors would see me coming or going. And my lights are on a timer, so I'm afraid I can't help you there.
Detective Armstrong: When did you first become aware of Mr. Beauchamp's death?
Mickie Webster: At that horrible meeting… Carl, looking like he was going to die himself… I just remember how the room seemed to spin on me…
Detective Armstrong: I see. Could you tell me what kind of vehicle you drive?
Mickie Webster: A 2016 Toyota short-bed pickup truck, white.
Detective Armstrong: All right, Ms. Webster, that's all we have for now. We may need to talk to you again, and we'll need you to make yourself available.
Mickie Webster: Of course.
Detective Armstrong: So you won't leave town without notifying us.
Mickie Webster: No, of course not. I never would. I want to see Dev's killer caught. I want to he. Really, I do.
Detective Armstrong: So noted, Ms. Webster. Thank you for coming in.
Interview ended – 2:45 p.m.