Dorothy Rebine interview
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 – 3:43 p.m.
Dorothy Rebine is a friend of Mickie Webster, who said they spoke on the phone the night Devlin Beauchamp was killed.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed Ms. Rebine in her home.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Dorothy Rebine
Detective Murphy: Would you please state your full name and address for the record?
Dorothy Rebine: Dorothy Marie Rebine, 505 N 14th, Oxford, Mississippi.
Detective Murphy: Ms. Rebine, do you know a Mickie Webster?
Dorothy Rebine: Yes, I do.
Detective Murphy: How are you acquainted with Ms. Webster?
Dorothy Rebine: We're friends. We met about a year ago, hit it off, and have been friends ever since.
Detective Murphy: Met where?
Dorothy Rebine: I think it was at the Bottletree. I was reading a book she was interested in, and we started talking about that, and next thing you knew, we'd talked the afternoon away.
Detective Murphy: You see one another socially?
Dorothy Rebine: Yes, we do.
Detective Murphy: You feel you know Ms. Webster well, then?
Dorothy Rebine: I know her as well as anyone, I guess. Maybe better.
Detective Murphy: Has she had occasion to confide in you?
Dorothy Rebine: Yes, she has… but what are you getting at?
Detective Murphy: We'll get to that. Did you speak to Ms. Webster last Friday, May 20th?
Dorothy Rebine: Yes, I did.
Detective Murphy: At approximately what time?
Dorothy Rebine: It was about 11:30 p.m.
Detective Murphy: How did you speak with Ms. Webster? In person, on the phone, by text message?
Dorothy Rebine: I called her on the phone.
Detective Murphy: Did she answer immediately?
Dorothy Rebine: I guess it was after a couple of rings.
Detective Murphy: Do you recall what you spoke about?
Dorothy Rebine: Well, I called her because I saw there was a movie that we wanted to see, and it was playing. I wanted to go the next day, but I didn't know if she was working or not and if she'd be able to go.
Detective Murphy: All right, and what did she say?
Dorothy Rebine: Well, I didn't ask her about it right away because we sort of got in a little tiff.
Detective Murphy: About…?
Dorothy Rebine: I could tell she was smoking … again. See, she had quit— well, she's quit many times, but this time I thought it was for good. I think it had been about six months or something, very noteworthy time-wise.
Detective Armstrong: Didn't you say you were on the phone with her? How did you know she was smoking?
Dorothy Rebine: I could hear her puffing and blowing. It's a very distinctive sound. Anyway, I chided her, and she didn't care for that. She said she was just stressed out and I should quit nagging her.
Detective Armstrong: Did she say what she was stressed out about?
Dorothy Rebine: She didn't have to. I knew. This breakup with Dev was just hard on her. She would get depressed sometimes. I knew she'd worked with him that night, so I figured she saw him flirting with some woman, or he just plain ignored her. Anyway, she was agitated enough to buy a pack of smokes and light up.
Detective Murphy: Did she mention how she was feeling physically?
Dorothy Rebine: She said she had a headache. I figured between the smokes and the stress, she probably had a whopper. In fact, she didn't sound so good. I offered to let her go so she could rest, but she didn't want to. Maybe she was lonely, so we talked for a while.
Detective Murphy: About?
Dorothy Rebine: Just stuff … clothes, new shoes, and things like that.
Detective Armstrong: What about the movie?
Dorothy Rebine: Movie? Oh yes, well, she was scheduled to work the next day, so it just never materialized. We agreed we would try to catch it another time.
Detective Armstrong: Did Ms. Webster ever mention a woman named Natalie Posner to you?
Dorothy Rebine: I don't think so. Who is she?
Detective Armstrong: Did Ms. Webster ever mention any other women Mr. Beauchamp might have been seeing?
Dorothy Rebine: No, absolutely not. Mickie wore blinders when it came to Dev. She didn't want to know, and she didn't ask. She'd rather die first.
Detective Armstrong: I'll bet she would. Ms. Rebine, what kind of vehicle do you drive?
Dorothy Rebine: One of them new VW Bugs. Aren't they the cutest things?
Detective Armstrong: Yes, ma'am. Did anything Ms. Webster said to you Friday night strike you in any way odd or unusual or especially emotional?
Dorothy Rebine: Well, no, I don't suppose so. Mickie is a high-strung girl, so all of that would be normal for her, you understand? But no, nothing I can think of… outside of her smoking. I really thought she had kicked that habit for good. Guess it's true what they say. It really is an addiction.
Detective Armstrong: Couldn't say, ma'am. Never touch the stuff.
Dorothy Rebine: Well, you're lucky then.
Detective Murphy: Thank you for talking to us today. We may need to contact you again for further questions.
Dorothy Rebine: That'll be fine.
Detective Murphy: Should you leave the area, we'd like you to let us know first.
Dorothy Rebine: I have no plans to go anywhere, detective, but of course, I'll inform you if something comes up. And good luck with your investigation.
Detective Armstrong: Thank you, ma'am. We'll need it.
Interview ended – 4:22 p.m.