Dixon home phone records


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 002547-21E-2023
Case Description: Devlin Beauchamp death investigation

YCSD investigators compiled call records for the landline phone at the Dixon residence, identified as 662-236-XXXX, for the period of May 19–21, 2023.

  • All calls that remained on the line until the voicemail picked up are recorded as completed calls.
  • The Account Names listed indicate only the billing name associated with the telephone number, not the identity of the person who placed the call.
  • Those calls that investigators have determined to be from telemarketers have been flagged with a "T."

Friday, May 19, 2023

In/OutTimeDurationPhone NumberAccount NameTeleMkt
IN 10:23 1 min. 662-281-XXXX QualiT Carpet Cleaning
IN 13:15 1 min. 662-238-XXXX Best Siding & Windows
IN 15:33 11 min. 662-816-XXXX Devlin Beauchamp
OUT 15:47 28 min. 662-832-XXXX Jack Diamond
OUT 16:22 12 min. 662-281-XXXX Peter Davis, CPA  
IN 18:06 1 min. 213-753-XXXX Smart Investment Co.
OUT 23:46 1 min. 662-816-XXXX Devlin Beauchamp  

Saturday, May 20, 2023

In/OutTimeDurationPhone NumberAccount NameTeleMkt
IN 11:02 1 min, 407-881-XXXX Luxury Vacations T
OUT 15:22 8 min. 662-259-XXXX Rowan Green  
OUT 15:43 4 min. 662-832-XXXX Jack Diamond
IN 17:36 1 min. 312-378-XXXX Dixie Healthcare Mississippi
IN 18:21 1 min. 213-753-XXXX Smart Investment Co.
OUT 21:49 1 min. 662-816-XXXX Devlin Beauchamp

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Calls in and out through 12:00 p.m.

In/OutTimeDurationPhone NumberAccount NameTeleMkt


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