Missing Persons memo to Homicide

Taylor Sheldon, Sheriff
Oxford, MS 38655


TO: Detective Ted Armstrong, Detective Sam Murphy
YCSD Homicide Squad
FROM: Detective Hal Musgrove
YCSD Missing Persons
DATE: May 27, 2023
RE: Status of search for - Natalie Paster, Natalie Poster, Natalie Posner

Murphy & Armstrong,

In response to your request for assistance in Case No. 002547-21E-2023, the Devlin Beauchamp homicide, we have conducted a standard local search for any or all of the above-named missing person(s). Voter registrations, driver's license records, and vehicle registrations were searched without result.

We did get a hit on NCIC, Natalie C. Posner, SSN 562-33-XXXX, DOB 2/15/1983. The Social Security Administration reports no activity on number since 5/2015, coincident with Posner reported missing, 5/9/2015.

The Glendale (California) Police Department wants her for questioning in connection with a felony, though GPD believes Posner may be dead at this point because there have been no reported sightings, etc. in several years. Am contacting GPD for more info. Will advise on results.

H. Musgrove




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