Christy Arnold interview
Monday, January 25, 2021 – 4:30 p.m.
The victim, Spenser Brooks, contacted Christy Arnold shortly before he was killed.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke to her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Christy Arnold
Detective Armstrong: Thanks for coming in this afternoon. Could you state your name and address for the record?
Christy Arnold: Christine Faye Arnold, 701 South 19th Street. But you know you can call me Christy.
Detective Armstrong: Okay, Christy, thanks. Did you know Spenser Brooks?
Christy Arnold: Yes, of course. We all did.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you saw him?
Christy Arnold: Friday, I guess. At work.
Detective Murphy: That was the last time you talked with him?
Christy Arnold: Oh, talked? No. He called me— well, that morning. Saturday. I still can't believe it. It must have been right before it happened.
Detective Murphy: You spoke with him by phone the morning he died?
Christy Arnold: Yeah.
Detective Murphy: Why?
Christy Arnold: He was excited about the case he was working on. He was investigating a politician taking bribes, and he got a message from someone saying they had evidence. He was going to meet them.
Detective Armstrong: What kind of message? On his phone?
Christy Arnold: No, like a note or something. In his mailbox.
Detective Armstrong: Did the note say who it was from?
Christy Arnold: No. Well, no, I mean, he didn't tell me. He would never name names. Like with this case, he just said it was a politician and wouldn't tell me who. But … didn't you see the message? I thought he had it with him.
Detective Armstrong: Why do you say that?
Christy Arnold: I guess I assumed he had it with him. He told me he was going to meet the person right away, so I thought— but no, you're right. I don't know for sure.
Detective Armstrong: Where was he going to meet this person?
Christy Arnold: He didn't say. I wasn't thinking it would be dangerous. I don't even remember saying goodbye.
Detective Murphy: Have you ever been to Wall Doxey Park?
Christy Arnold: Sure, once or twice.
Detective Murphy: Were you there on Saturday?
Christy Arnold: No.
Detective Armstrong: It sounds like you and Spenser were close.
Christy Arnold: Oh, no. Not really. We were just acquainted through work, you know. I handle a lot of the documents for his cases. We would talk sometimes when he stopped by the office. Some of the other girls didn't like him, but I thought he was okay.
Detective Armstrong: What do you mean, they didn't like him?
Christy Arnold: You know, they just thought he was harsh. Like if something was late or misfiled, he'd blow a fuse. But they don't really care about their work. To me, he was inspiring. He had a goal, and he achieved it. He liked his job. When he talked about his cases, you could just tell he had a passion for what he was doing.
Detective Armstrong: Sounds like you two talked a lot.
Christy Arnold: I guess maybe you could say we were friends, or at least work friends. When I had a coffee break, sometimes I'd go to his office and visit if he wasn't in court or a meeting or whatever. Does that make sense?
Detective Murphy: So these other girls you mentioned who didn't like him, you mean the other clerks?
Christy Arnold: Yeah.
Detective Armstrong: What about the other attorneys?
Christy Arnold: Well, everyone knows Jill Ross didn't like him.
Detective Armstrong: Sounds like you don't like her much.
Christy Arnold: She takes herself way too seriously. None of us like her. She's always super cold like we're beneath her, you know?
Detective Murphy: And why didn't she like Mr. Brooks?
Christy Arnold: Because he was the D.A., and she wasn't. She would always come down and request to review the documents for his cases like she wanted to second-guess him or find mistakes or something. It drove him crazy.
Detective Murphy: He said this?
Christy Arnold: No, or nothing serious. He just joked about it once or twice.
Detective Armstrong: Was there anyone else in the office he talked about?
Christy Arnold: No, I mean, not to me. I wouldn't know.
Detective Armstrong: Did you ever meet his family?
Christy Arnold: No. We really didn't know each other except at work.
Detective Murphy: Okay. So when you got the call on Saturday, where were you?
Christy Arnold: Home. I was actually still asleep. It was kind of embarrassing.
Detective Murphy: What time was this?
Christy Arnold: Oh, I don't remember. 9:30 a.m.? 10:00 a.m.? I was kind of hungover. The night before was Karen's bachelorette party. Do you know her? We work together. She doesn't get married until next Saturday, but she wanted to have the party the weekend before so it could be a total blowout.
Detective Murphy: What happened after the call?
Christy Arnold: I went back to sleep. It was 1:00, 1:30 p.m. by the time I got up.
Detective Murphy: Do you live alone?
Christy Arnold: No. My roommate, Keisha—she's a student at Northwest too—she was there when I got up.
Detective Murphy: She was there the whole time?
Christy Arnold: I don't know. Usually, she goes to brunch on Saturdays, so probably not. Sometimes I go with her, but that morning there was no way. I didn't even set the alarm.
Detective Armstrong: Is there anything else you can think of that we need to know?
Christy Arnold: No. I wish I did know something. I just hope you find who did this.
Detective Armstrong: We all do.
Interview ended – 4:49 p.m.