Hector Daniels bio
Hector DeWayne Daniels was born on July 7, 1975, to Ronald and Melinda Daniels in Abbeville, Mississippi.
Hector was the oldest of three boys. He and his younger brothers, Herman and Henry, were very close growing up. As adults, even though they all live in different states, they still see each other at least once a year, and they talk and text several times a week.
After graduating from high school, Hector went to work for the Mississippi Central Railroad Company. While attending a church social at his parents' urging, he met Camilla Lewis, a secretary at a local business. They dated for more than two years before tying the knot, and now they have two sons, 12-year-old Ronny and nine-year-old Donny.
In 2009, Hector was arrested on rape charges after the victim identified him in a lineup, and he was unable to provide an alibi for the time of the assault. Hector's wife and his employer stood by him during the ordeal, saying they knew he would never be involved in something like that. As it turned out, they were right.
Before his case came to trial, DNA analysis identified a known sex offender as the culprit, and Hector was cleared of any involvement in the incident. The young woman who identified Hector apologized to him and his family face-to-face. She also issued a press release anonymously through the District Attorney's Office apologizing for her mistake and making it clear that Hector was in no way responsible for what happened to her in hopes of clearing him in the court of public opinion. Her effort was largely successful, but some in the community still give Hector a wide berth when he's out in public.
Hector claims that he holds no hard feelings against his accuser or law enforcement. He said the rapist looks like he could be Hector's twin brother, so he understands how the young woman could've made the mistake. According to friends, Hector is less forgiving behind closed doors, but more than anything, he just wants to put the whole thing behind him so it can fade from his memory and everyone else's.