Kyle Ferguson interview
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 – 8:35 a.m.
Kyle Ferguson was recently released after serving a sentence for felony possession of a controlled substance. He was convicted by then-ADA Spenser Brooks.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Kyle "Big Boy" Ferguson
Detective Armstrong: Come in and have a seat.
Kyle Ferguson: I can guess why you wanted to see me, but did it have to be at the buttcrack of dawn?
Detective Armstrong: Name and address.
Kyle Ferguson: What if I don't have one?
Detective Armstrong: Keep smartin' off, Little Boy, and we'll give you a room here for the night.
Kyle Ferguson: Can't a guy have some fun? I am now residing at 394 Garner. And that's Big Boy, and you know it.
Detective Armstrong: Did you murder your old friend, Spenser Brooks?
Kyle Ferguson: Hey, why would I knock the D.A. off? He was a nice guy, right?
Detective Murphy: We heard from a very reliable source that you said you were going to make him disappear.
Kyle Ferguson: Yeah, I did say that when I was in prison. But somebody beat me to it, and that's a fact. I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Waited too long. Damn shame too.
Detective Armstrong: Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Kyle Ferguson: I was really lookin' forward to doing that. Enjoyed planning how I was gonna do it. But if I'd killed the jerk, you wouldn't have found the body. I can guaran–damn–tee you that.
Detective Murphy: Do you own a gun?
Kyle Ferguson: Oh, come on! You know I cain't own a gun.
Detective Murphy: Sure. You also claimed you didn't know anything about a meth lab.
Kyle Ferguson: No one ever proved I did.
Detective Murphy: But we all know the truth, don't we?
Kyle Ferguson: You think you're real smart, don't you? Think because you're a cop, you can say anything you want, and it's okay. You might end up like Brooks if you aren't careful.
Detective Murphy: You must have liked prison because you keep begging to be sent back. Threatening an officer is not a very good idea.
Kyle Ferguson: I wasn't threatening, I was just sayin'.
Detective Armstrong: Where were you on Saturday morning?
Kyle Ferguson: I was in bed. I sleep late now since no one can make me get up at dawn. So I was sleepin' like a baby when Brooks got it in the head. I can think of better ways to end a life. Slower ways.
Detective Armstrong: So you weren't anywhere near Wall Doxey Park that morning? Is that what you're telling us?
Kyle Ferguson: That's right. Nowhere near. While Brooks was dying, I was at home curled up in my jammies.
Detective Armstrong: Can you prove that?
Kyle Ferguson: You got the wrong idea about me. Brooks just wanted to convict anyone he could, innocent and guilty alike. He didn't care which way it was. No, not him. He wouldn't leave things alone until he put away whoever he was after.
Detective Armstrong: Let's see now. He got you on felony possession, didn't he? I wouldn't exactly call you an innocent.
Kyle Ferguson: Whatever. I'm straight now. Don't even remember how to do that stuff.
Detective Armstrong: Did you see Spenser Brooks after you were released?
Kyle Ferguson: No. Why would I want to see him?
Detective Armstrong: Been seeing any of the old gang? Maxie? Slicer? Jiggs?
Kyle Ferguson: Oh, you mean the good guys. Sad to say, no, I haven't seen my friends in a while. I'm ready for a reunion, though, now that the big bad wolf is dead. Celebrate.
Detective Armstrong: You're walking on very thin ice.
Kyle Ferguson: Ooh. I'm scared.
Detective Murphy: Have you ever been to Wall Doxey State Park?
Kyle Ferguson: Sure. Hasn't everyone around here? I used to go there a lot in the summertime with my dad, camping and fishing. I don't have a kid of my own yet, so I ain't been there for some time now.
Detective Armstrong: Thank goodness for that.
Kyle Ferguson: What did you say?
Detective Murphy: When was the last time you were at Wall Doxey?
Kyle Ferguson: I sure wasn't there the day Brooks got greased if that's what you're gettin' at again. You might as well hang it up. You ain't got nothin' on me.
Detective Murphy: Do you have anyone who can verify where you were Saturday morning?
Kyle Ferguson: Nope. Sorry to say I was sleeping alone at the time.
Detective Armstrong: Don't sleep too soundly. We may be making a midnight call soon.
Kyle Ferguson: You're not my type, detective.
Detective Murphy: Kyle, look at me. You need to find some way to verify your whereabouts on Saturday morning.
Kyle Ferguson: Yeah? Don't hold your breath because I don't see that happening. You think I did something, prove it.
Detective Armstrong: If you did do something, we will. You can count on that.
Kyle Ferguson: Whatever. Are we done? I gotta go. I'm lookin' for a job, don't you know?
Detective Armstrong: What's on your resume? Experience in running meth labs?
Kyle Ferguson: I have experience in many different things, and like I said, I'm out of the meth business.
Detective Armstrong: Right. Go on and get out of here. Just don't go too far.
Interview ended – 9:01 a.m.