Kyle Ferguson bio
Kyle Ferguson was born in Oxford, Mississippi, on November 28, 1983, to Joseph and Rowena Ferguson. Named after his grandfather, Kyle joined his older brother named Joseph, Jr.after their father.
As a child, Kyle noticed that his family didn’t have the nice things other families did. They moved around a lot, and the houses they rented were little more than shacks. By the time Kyle started school, he knew he didn’t want anyone in school to ever see where he lived, so he never invited anyone over. He always went to his friends' houses to play or hang out.
Kyle looked up to his brother, Joe, and imitated him as much as he could. Joe hated his home life and was ashamed of their parents.
The boys' father had many jobs and only worked long enough for a paycheck so he could go to the bars, get drunk and play poker. He wouldn't allow Rowena to work outside the home, but he didn’t give her enough money to keep food in the house, so Joe stole it. He taught Kyle to do the same thing.
When Kyle was in high school, he got caught stealing over-the-counter drugs from the local pharmacy, and he ended up in juvenile detention. While there, he learned a lot of new skills, including how to set up a lab and make crystal meth. When Kyle got out of detention, he set up his own meth lab out in the country. He never used his own product, but he sold a lot of it. Most importantly, he wasn’t poor anymore. But he didn’t count on getting caught—and he didn’t for a long time.
In 2011, Kyle made the mistake of bragging about his operation to his drinking buddies at a local bar, calling himself the Walter White of Yoknapatawpha County. Another bar patron overheard the conversation and reported it to the sheriff's department. Narcotics detectives launched an investigation, and though they weren't able to locate Kyle's lab, they did arrest him for felony possession of methamphetamine.
Spenser Brooks, an assistant district attorney at the time, prosecuted Kyle and won a conviction. Kyle served eight years at Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman, Mississippi. He was released in early January and is now back in Yoknapatawpha County, living with friends for the time being.