Hilton Burns bio
Hilton Burns was born on June 3, 1987, to Dr. Francis Burns and Dr. Barbara Clark of Oxford, Mississippi.
His parents worked long hours in their separate medical practices, so a series of nannies raised Hilton. He may have been an only child, but he never wanted for friends. He was popular with children in his neighborhood and later his classmates.
Hilton breezed through school, impressing teachers and administrators with his natural intelligence and unwavering work ethic. It wasn't until he entered medical school and had to cope with its constant pressures that others became aware of an anger that could erupt whenever he felt that lab or project partners had let him down.
Hilton never went so far that the school stepped in, but the other medical students shied away from him, even preferring to work with those less able rather than risk his wrath.
Still, he graduated at the top of his class, and once Hilton was board certified, he was invited to become a partner at the Yoknapatawpha Gastroenterology Center.
Hilton is single and dates often. Young women in the community describe him as an "A.D.D. dater," who tends to be wholly focused on the woman he's seeing at the moment but quickly loses interest—often when he thinks the woman is starting to get serious—and moves on.
One woman who went out with him over the summer said, "My grandma would call him a 'love 'em and leave 'em type.' If you don't know that about him from the start, he could really break your heart."
Another former paramour called Hilton "a great guy as long as everything is exactly the way he wants it. The moment you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, even if it's something completely minor, watch out. His temper is not something you want to mess with."
Outside of his work at the practice and his dating life, Hilton is active in local associations, including the Young Professionals of Oxford, the Yoknapatawpha Chamber of Commerce, and the United Way of Yoknapatawpha County.