Alibi canvass – Michael O'Connor
YCSD investigators interviewed Michael O'Connor's acquaintances and co-workers to learn more about Dr. O'Connor and his whereabouts on the night of January 6, 2023.
The interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to the investigation and are representative of all interviews conducted.
Name: Manuel Ortega
Address: 906 Cedarbrook, Oxford, MS
Mr. Ortega, age 37, works as a security guard at Baptist Memorial Hospital. Ortega said he saw Dr. O'Connor leave the hospital parking lot at 8:03 p.m.
"We've been told to keep track of the coming and going of hospital-affiliated personnel because some people have been accused of leaving the grounds during their work hours. I tell my boss that anybody can just walk out of the building without taking their car from the lot, or call a taxi, or get picked up by a friend, and the log book wouldn't mean anything. He doesn't care. He says to write down whenever any employee enters or exits the lot."
Name: Jill Spenser
Address: 1478 Short Avenue, Oxford, MS
Mrs. Spenser, age 58, lives across the street from Dr. Michael O'Connor. She said she was going out to her mailbox on January 6, 2023, when Dr. O'Connor arrived at his residence and parked his car in the garage.
"It certainly couldn't have been as late as 9:00 p.m. because that's when I watch my show, but the sun had set. I remember that day because he had some trouble with his garage door. I saw him the next day, and he said the batteries had died."
Name: Kristy Wills
Address: 501 Donna Cove, Oxford, MS
Ms. Wills, age 24, works at Baptist Memorial Hospital. Wills said she spoke to Dr. O'Connor at approximately 7:47 p.m. on January 6th regarding the care of one of his patients.
"Dr. O'Connor seemed perfectly normal. There was nothing about him that struck me as out of the ordinary."