Det. Jason Huckabee interview
Monday, January 16, 2023 – 3:15 p.m.
YCSD detective Jason Huckabee specializes in investigating narcotics-related incidents.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Detective J. Huckabee
Detective Murphy: Hi, Jason. Thanks for stopping by.
Detective Armstrong: 'Afternoon, Jase.
Detective Huckabee: Good afternoon to you both. Does this have something to do with the Smith case?
Detective Armstrong: Yeah. We need a rundown on ketamine sources in town, and since you're the specialist, you're the one we called on.
Detective Huckabee: What do you want to know?
Detective Murphy: Let's begin with the basics. What exactly is ketamine?
Detective Huckabee: It's basically a tranquilizer. Hospitals use it as an anesthetic or topically for nerve pain. Veterinarians use it as an anesthetic and for pain management in large animals.
Detective Armstrong: Any reports of it being stolen from hospitals or pharmacies in this area?
Detective Huckabee: We've heard rumors that the hospital was missing some ketamine, but we haven't been able to confirm it as yet. And break-ins at veterinary hospitals and offices are a recurring problem.
Detective Murphy: Have you heard much about it being sold on the streets locally?
Detective Huckabee: Some. It's not as popular as crack or meth or pot, but it's around.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know where people are buying it locally? Or who's selling it?
Detective Huckabee: You guys know about The Roadhouse. There are a few dealers who like to do business in the parking lot over there, although not as much since you locked up Mr. Flores a while back.
Detective Armstrong: Ah, yes, Benito. Glad we could help out by putting his butt in prison. So no traffic in that parking lot since then?
Detective Huckabee: Not really, and Will always calls us whenever they show up again, so that helps. But there's still the situation over on Pegues. We do what we can to keep a lid on it, but it's a snake pit over there.
Detective Murphy: Do you know anyone who deals ketamine?
Detective Huckabee: You'd be surprised how many users won't give up their dealers' names, either because they're scared or because they don't want their source to dry up, especially for something like ketamine. We've got a couple of street names, but we're still chasing them down.
Detective Murphy: We'll take whatever you've got.
Detective Huckabee: One that's been around for a long time goes by "Roach." He sells most any drug people want, though pot is his specialty, obviously. The other one goes by "Frisco." He focuses on low-cost/high-profit stuff like meth, but he'd probably find a way to get his hands on anything if the price was right.
Detective Armstrong: Are they in the Pegues crowd?
Detective Huckabee: We think they have connections over there, but they're based somewhere else.
Detective Armstrong: Working together?
Detective Huckabee: Not partners as far as we've been able to find out, but not rivals either. More like tolerating each other's existence for now, I'd guess.
Detective Murphy: So, Jason, if Joe or Jane Citizen wanted to get their hands on some ketamine, how would they go about it?
Detective Huckabee: If your guy is a college kid, they'd probably take their chances on Pegues.
Detective Armstrong: Let's say our guy isn't that stupid.
Detective Huckabee: In that case, he—or she, I guess—would probably look around at everyone they know and everyone those people know. Most people can find someone in their extended circle of friends who can help them get what they want if they look hard enough and ask in the right way.
Detective Murphy: So, how would you track down the source?
Detective Huckabee: If your guy's a regular user, that's a lot easier to do. First-timers are usually very cautious, but once they develop a habit, they forget to worry about being discreet. At that point, if you've got the resources and the authorization, you track when they make a withdrawal in the right amount and follow them to see who they buy from.
Detective Murphy: And if it is their first time?
Detective Huckabee: Well, that's a lot harder because they're usually crazy secretive at first. If it were me, I'd do what your guy probably did. Look at his circle of friends and acquaintances, and see who could've helped him out.
Detective Armstrong: This would've been a lot easier if you'd just said, "Here's the name of the ketamine supplier in town. Let me write down his address for you."
Detective Huckabee: Tell me about it.
Detective Armstrong: All right, well, thanks again for your help, man.
Detective Huckabee: Anytime.
Detective Armstrong: I'll be seeing you around the ballpark.
Detective Murphy: Bye.
Detective Huckabee: Later.
Interview ended – 3:33 p.m.