Jennifer Alexander interview
Monday, February 5, 2024 – 12:15 a.m.
Jennifer Alexander was at Blake's party the night he died.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Jennifer Alexander
Detective Murphy: Please state your name and address.
Jennifer Alexander: It's Jennifer Alexander. 2002 Oxford Way.
Detective Armstrong: How did you know Blake?
Jennifer Alexander: We used to go out. We met at one of the Random Deeds gigs and just clicked immediately.
Detective Armstrong: But you weren't going out anymore?
Jennifer Alexander: No. We were inseparable for months. I felt like I was finally getting the happiness I deserved. You know?
Detective Armstrong: So what happened?
Jennifer Alexander: Nothing. Nothing at all. And suddenly, Blake was like, "You're too needy." How am I too needy? I never complained about all the time he spent with the band. I never complained about all the time he spent playing video games. I never complained about all the flirting that went on behind my back. But all of a sudden, I'm the one with the problem.
Detective Murphy: That must've been hard. How did you handle it?
Jennifer Alexander: Not well, I'll tell you that. I couldn't believe my ears. It was a bad few weeks.
Detective Murphy: Did you try to reconcile?
Jennifer Alexander: Not exactly. It was hard because I didn't want to come across as too needy, so I really made an effort to tone it down. Instead of going over to his place every day, I went maybe once a week just to hang. Instead of texting blisters onto my fingers, I only allowed myself to send him one message a day. I wanted to prove to him that he could have me in his life without feeling smothered.
Detective Armstrong: How did Blake respond?
Jennifer Alexander: You mean besides picking up with Madison Expires, the queen of the press-on? Excuse me, Detective Armstrong, but sometimes you men make dogs look like they're choosy.
Detective Murphy: So, how do you and Madison get along?
Jennifer Alexander: Best friends forever, obviously. I was just waiting for Blake to see her for the fake she is. Maybe that was wrong. Maybe if I had fought to win him back, Blake and I would have been out tonight. Maybe I could have convinced him that there was more to life than video games. If I just pushed a little bit more, he might be alive right now.
Detective Murphy: It's impossible to know what might have been.
Jennifer Alexander: That he wasted the last months of his life with her. It just kills me. I've been crying the whole time I've been waiting tonight. I hope I won't break down in front of you.
Detective Armstrong: What time did you get to Blake's tonight?
Jennifer Alexander: I don't know. I don't. Really. I had to work hard not to freak out on the Blake issue. If I start watching clocks, I'm figuring out how many minutes I got to be with him that day, that week. I just couldn't go there.
Detective Armstrong: Were you at his place when the food arrived?
Jennifer Alexander: Yes. I was there for that. And then afterwards. Sorry. I guess I didn't get all the tears out.
Detective Armstrong: That's quite all right. Tissues are there to your left.
Detective Murphy: Can you imagine why anybody would be mad at Blake?
Jennifer Alexander: Sure. He was special. People who are special, we get picked on sometimes. Jealousy, you know?
Detective Murphy: Would you like to take a break?
Jennifer Alexander: I'll be fine. It's just that this whole thing. It's just too much.
Detective Armstrong: It seems like you need some time to get yourself together. We'll finish this up later. Thanks for talking to us. You can go home now.
Interview ended – 12:36 a.m.