Jamey Allen bio
James Maddox Allen was born to Vernon and Paloma Allen on January 7, 2003, in Huntsville, Alabama. His parents had been trying to have a child for years, and after giving up hope that it would ever happen, Paloma discovered she was pregnant when she was 41 years old.
When Jamey was four years old, the Allens moved to the Oxford area for Vernon's work and moved into a home in Yocona.
Because his family was always scrimping to pay bills, James grew up wanting more than he could have. Where other kids got new toys for Christmas or new clothes for school, Jamey had to make do with what his parents could find at the second-hand store. When someone complimented his shirt or asked if he'd gotten that toy from Santa, he lashed out at them, sure that they were making fun of him.
Since he couldn't compete with his peers in material possessions, Jamey was determined to prove himself in other ways. He was never much of an athlete, so he turned his attention to video games. At first, he played only at his friends' houses, but even with so little practice compared to the people he was playing against, he excelled. Soon, he was known as the guy everyone in his school wanted to play because he was so good.
In high school, he met Bree Paxton during a video game party at the home of a mutual friend. Bree was impressed with Jamey's computer knowledge and video game dexterity, and to his surprise, she said yes when he asked her out. Before long, Jamey and Bree were an official couple.
A few years later, Bree introduced Jamey to Blake Jensen, who was also an outstanding gamer. Bree thought Jamey would enjoy playing against Blake, but when Blake beat him at Guitar Hero, Jamey was upset. He didn't appreciate Blake making him look like a fool, especially in front of Bree. Jamey knew then that he and Blake would never be friends, but for Bree's sake, he tried to get along. The more Bree fawned over Blake, the harder it was for Jamey to keep his cool when he and Bree were around Blake.
Jamey is a student at Ole Miss and works as a delivery driver for Papa John's in Oxford.