Coroner's info

Taylor Sheldon, Sheriff
Oxford, Mississippi 38655


CASE #: 000639-04B-2024
CASE DESCRIPTION: Blake Jenson death investigation
ASSIGNED INVESTIGATORS:   Det. Ted Armstrong, Det. Samantha Murphy
DATE: February 6, 2024


At 3:45 p.m. this date, Detectives Sam Murphy and Ted Armstrong met with Manish Agarwal, M.D. of the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office regarding preliminary findings in the autopsy of Blake Jenson (YCSD Incident # 000639-04B-2024).

Dr. Agarwal reported that preliminary autopsy findings suggest Blake Jenson's cause of death was cardiac arrest, a known though rare complication of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, which medical records show Jenson had been diagnosed with.

Dr. Agarwal said the burn on Jenson's left palm was superficial, but he could not yet say whether the perimortem injury had any correlation to the cause of death. Additional tests are being conducted on the tissue, and findings will be included in the official autopsy report.

Dr. Agarwal recommended checking the scene of the death for potential causes of the burn and conducting further analysis on those items. He said Coroner's Inspector Luwinda Johnson would be available to assist and advise investigators as needed.

Pending the outcome of that search and the results of additional laboratory tests, Dr. Agarwal said the manner of death is currently classified as undetermined.

Investigation of YCSD Case # 000639-04B-2024 is active and ongoing as of this date.


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