Greg Reis interview
Monday, November 9, 2020 – 4:45 p.m.
Greg Reis contacted the tip line to say he had information that could help the investigation.
Detective Armstrong interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Greg Reis
Detective Armstrong: I appreciate you coming down to the station, Mr. Reis.
Greg Reis: Why, sure. I try and be a good citizen. I just thought that I couldn't be silent about some of the suspicious things I've seen.
Detective Armstrong: Before we get started, would you please state your name and address for the record?
Greg Reis: I'm Gregory Jacob Reis. My address is 618 North 6th Street.
Detective Armstrong: Thank you. Now, what have you seen that might be related to the murder of Frederick Miller?
Greg Reis: Some teenagers who hang out at Square Pizza. It seems like they've been up to no good.
Detective Armstrong: Why do you say that?
Greg Reis: They dress like a bunch of warlocks and witches. All black. Even in the Mississippi heat. I know you can't judge people by their looks, but they were talking about something that sounded like murder to me.
Detective Armstrong: How many are in this group?
Greg Reis: Jeesh, four or five of them. They damn well look the same to me. Guys and girls wearing eyeliner. It doesn't make any sense. Lord knows why you'd want to dress up like a freak like that.
Detective Armstrong: When did you see them?
Greg Reis: It must have been on Tuesday of the week of the murder.
Detective Armstrong: And what were they talking about?
Greg Reis: Crossbows. One kid, I think his name was Colton—that's what his friend kept calling him—he was talking about hitting moving targets with a crossbow. Kept on using the term “kill shot.”
Detective Armstrong: Did they mention Frederick Miller by name?
Greg Reis: Yeah, they were joking about him. Colton made a joke that he would be an easy target, what with Mr. Miller being a bit of a bigger fella. They all laughed.
Detective Armstrong: Did you catch the names of any others in the group?
Greg Reis: Yeah, the girl talking to Colton about crossbows, her name is Brooklyn. Only reason I remember is that's not a name you usually hear around here.
Detective Armstrong: Did you notice anything else about them?
Greg Reis: Well, they caught me staring at them. Colton flipped me off.
Detective Armstrong: Have you had other interactions with them?
Greg Reis: I see them at Square Pizza all the time. I go there after my shift, usually 5:30. They're always giving me dirty looks, but this was the first time they did anything to me. That Colton kid seemed hostile.
Detective Armstrong: Are you sure they weren't talking about a video game or something?
Greg Reis: I'll be damned if those freaks could tell the difference. All I know is that these monsters were talking about shooting at somebody with a crossbow, and then days later, a teacher is dead. I didn't want to hold back on this information. I thought you should know.
Detective Armstrong: Did you know Frederick Miller at all?
Greg Reis: Nope, not really. He came into the dealership one time looking for a car. I showed him a couple, but he found something wrong with every single one I showed him. He told me he was a teacher. When I saw his photo on the news, I knew it was the same guy.
Detective Armstrong: But you never saw him again?
Greg Reis: Nope, detective, can't say that I did.
Detective Armstrong: I appreciate you volunteering this information.
Greg Reis: Okay, detective.
Detective Armstrong: Just out of curiosity, why did you decide to come forward with it now?
Greg Reis: What do you mean?
Detective Armstrong: Well, it's been about a week and a half since Frederick Miller was killed. What made you decide to contact us now?
Greg Reis: I don't know. I've been busy.
Detective Armstrong: I see. Well, thanks again for the information.
Greg Reis: Like I said, I'm just doing my duty as a citizen.
Detective Armstrong: And we appreciate that. You know, if this information helps us get a conviction, there is a reward.
Greg Reis: You don't say! Well, that sure would be nice. I just hope you find who did this and throw them behind bars.
Detective Armstrong: Yes, sir. Let me walk you out.
Interview ended – 4:59 p.m.