Grant Fontaine interview
Saturday, July 11, 2020 – 4:15 a.m.
Grant Fontaine is the 21-year-old son of the victim.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at his residence, 655 North Lamar, Oxford, MS.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Grant Fontaine
Detective Murphy: For the record, could you please state your name and address?
Grant Fontaine: My name is Grant Fontaine, and I live here.
Detective Murphy: Your address?
Grant Fontaine: I don't recall. You can check the mailbox on your way out.
Detective Murphy: Knock it off. It's the middle of the night, and we're in no mood to play games.
Detective Armstrong: Could you describe your movements last night?
Grant Fontaine: I went out with some friends.
Detective Armstrong: Any friends in particular?
Grant Fontaine: No, not really.
Detective Armstrong: Where did you go with these friends of yours?
Grant Fontaine: Nowhere special. We just hung around.
Detective Murphy: Where did you hang around?
Grant Fontaine: Different places.
Detective Armstrong: Did anyone see you at any of these places?
Grant Fontaine: That would be hearsay evidence, wouldn't it?
Detective Murphy: This isn't a trial. We're just talking.
Detective Armstrong: How about specific answers to our questions, or we can take this downtown.
Detective Murphy: Do you remember the places you went?
Grant Fontaine: I went to The Roadhouse. I remember that.
Detective Murphy: Did you happen to notice the time?
Grant Fontaine: It was a good time.
Detective Armstrong: How long did you stay at The Roadhouse?
Grant Fontaine: I don't know.
Detective Murphy: When did you return home?
Grant Fontaine: Late. Or early. Depending on your point of view.
Detective Murphy: Did anybody see you?
Grant Fontaine: Ashley. We pulled into the driveway together.
Detective Murphy: Who was first?
Grant Fontaine: Neither one of us. We were coming from opposite directions, and we both swung in at the same time. It's a wide driveway.
Detective Armstrong: How was your relationship with your father?
Grant Fontaine: I'm his son. That about sums it up.
Detective Armstrong: Did the two of you ever argue?
Grant Fontaine: Arguing was a bonding experience for us. Some fathers and sons go fishing or hunting or chasing skirts. We would fight.
Detective Murphy: Did it ever come to blows?
Grant Fontaine: A few times, maybe. Mostly, I'd just leave.
Detective Murphy: Is that what happened last night before you went out with your friends?
Grant Fontaine: We had words. Nothing special.
Detective Armstrong: Is this the first burglary you've had at the house?
Grant Fontaine: First I've known of, but I've been away at school.
Detective Murphy: Where do you go?
Grant Fontaine: Ole Miss. Beats working for a living.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know of anybody who might want your father dead?
Grant Fontaine: Other than the burglar? Yes, just about everybody.
Detective Armstrong: Why do you say that?
Grant Fontaine: My father was the kind of man who made enemies. What he couldn't buy with money, he bullied with Joey. Believe it or not, some people resent being treated like little children.
Detective Murphy: Joey?
Grant Fontaine: He should have called me Joey.
Detective Murphy: Tell us about Joey.
Grant Fontaine: That was my first thought when I saw the mess.
Detective Murphy: What was?
Grant Fontaine: Joey.
Detective Murphy: Joey who?
Grant Fontaine: Beecher.
Detective Murphy: What about him?
Grant Fontaine: I thought he trashed the house, that my father had come up with a new scheme to screw someone that included Joey wrecking the place.
Detective Murphy: Why would Joey do that?
Grant Fontaine: Joey does what Dad tells him to.
Detective Armstrong: What did you think when you saw your father was dead?
Grant Fontaine: Back to the drawing board, Dad.
Detective Murphy: Who found your father?
Grant Fontaine: Ashley did. She screamed, and I came running.
Detective Murphy: Where was Ashley when you entered the room?
Grant Fontaine: I don't know. Strangely enough, it's all a blur.
Detective Armstrong: Was anything of yours stolen?
Grant Fontaine: No. At first, I thought my room was ransacked, but then I realized that's how it always looks.
Detective Armstrong: Do you keep money in your room?
Grant Fontaine: Not when I'm going out with friends.
Detective Murphy: Do you ever bring your friends here?
Grant Fontaine: They wouldn't be welcome.
Detective Armstrong: Your friends have never been in the house?
Grant Fontaine: Not unless my father invited them over for drinks, and I can't see that happening.
Detective Murphy: Did you pass any vehicles on your way home?
Grant Fontaine: Vehicles?
Detective Murphy: Perhaps you arrived shortly after the burglar left.
Grant Fontaine: I don't remember seeing anyone else on the road.
Detective Murphy: Hear any strange sounds when you entered the house?
Grant Fontaine: Not that I recall.
Detective Armstrong: Is that blood on your nose?
Grant Fontaine: I'm not sure. Do you have a mirror?
Detective Armstrong: If it is blood, how do you think it might have gotten there?
Grant Fontaine: I have a lot of trouble with my nose. Allergies.
Detective Murphy: Were you in a fight last night?
Grant Fontaine: If I was, the other guy's in a lot worse shape.
Detective Armstrong: What is it you're trying to hide?
Grant Fontaine: I have nothing to hide. Because I have nothing.
Detective Armstrong: That will be all for now. We'll want to talk more later.
Grant Fontaine: Sounds like fun.
Detective Murphy: We're sorry about your loss.
Grant Fontaine: Yeah.
Interview ended – 4:33 a.m.