Amber Dunn interview
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 – 3:32 p.m.
Amber Dunn is a friend and co-worker of Dawn Thurman, the victim's mistress.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke to her at the Oxford Health Club.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Amber Dunn
Detective Murphy: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.
Amber Dunn: Sure. What can I do for you?
Detective Murphy: You've heard about Philip Fontaine being killed?
Amber Dunn: Yeah. So terrible.
Detective Murphy: Did you know Mr. Fontaine?
Amber Dunn: No. I didn't know anyone in the family. I mean, the only thing I know is Dawn's his personal trainer.
Detective Murphy: Dawn?
Amber Dunn: Yeah, Dawn Thurman. She's my best friend.
Detective Murphy: How often would you say Dawn had appointments with Mr. Fontaine?
Amber Dunn: Once a week, I think. We can do sessions here or at home, and he almost always wanted a home visit. You'd have to ask her, though.
Detective Murphy: What did she tell you about him?
Amber Dunn: Um, nothing much.
Detective Armstrong: Are you sure about that?
Amber Dunn: Well, gosh. I'm not sure I should be talking about this.
Detective Armstrong: It's okay. We know Dawn and Philip Fontaine were romantically involved.
Amber Dunn: Oh. Gosh.
Detective Murphy: Did Dawn ever talk about him?
Amber Dunn: Will she find out I talked to you?
Detective Murphy: It's okay. What did she say about their relationship?
Amber Dunn: Gosh. This is like snitching or something. I feel totally uncomfortable.
Detective Murphy: Just take your time.
Amber Dunn: Well, she was seeing him for a while. Maybe a year. She was hoping he would get a divorce, so they wouldn't have to sneak around. So, I guess she enjoyed being with him. She said he treated her right. A real gentleman, you know?
Detective Murphy: That was important to her?
Amber Dunn: Her boyfriend before, he was a real jerk, so I can understand how that would be important to her. I didn't necessarily approve. I don't believe in breaking up a marriage. But she's my best friend, so what could I do? I tried to be there for her.
Detective Murphy: So would you say she was in love with him?
Amber Dunn: I don't know. I mean, I think she liked being treated with respect, like an equal. She said he appreciated her personality, and it wasn't just about sex.
Detective Armstrong: Was it about money?
Amber Dunn: No. I don't think so. Dawn likes nice things, but no, she wouldn't do that. She wouldn't go with someone just because he has money. I think she liked being treated good, is all.
Detective Armstrong: Did she ever talk about them having arguments?
Amber Dunn: No. They seemed to get along fine. She just— well, you know. She wanted to get married, and I guess he wasn't ready to take that step.
Detective Armstrong: Dawn was frustrated about that?
Amber Dunn: Yeah. She talked about it. She said she was the happiest girl on earth, but she couldn't tell anyone about it, and that made it hard.
Detective Murphy: Do you know whether Dawn saw Mr. Fontaine the day he died?
Amber Dunn: I don't remember exactly.
Detective Armstrong: It was last Friday.
Amber Dunn: Oh. Okay. Yeah, I remember now because the gym was really busy. Everyone is working out extra for swimsuit season. It was really busy, and Mr. Fontaine came in without his membership card, so I had to sign him in, and there was a line. That was in the morning.
Detective Murphy: And he worked out with Dawn?
Amber Dunn: Yeah. I think so. She said he likes circuit training. He's pretty strong.
Detective Murphy: They were always out in the main gym area?
Amber Dunn: Yeah. They just did a regular workout: an hour, hour and a half.
Detective Murphy: Did Dawn mention anything about it afterward? Did anything unusual happen?
Amber Dunn: No. I don't remember anything. Oh, wait. I guess she said something about him working on a big business deal, and he was distracted. That was about it, though.
Detective Armstrong: Did she seem distressed or angry?
Amber Dunn: No, not at all. I think you've got the wrong idea. Dawn would never hurt a fly, you know?
Detective Armstrong: Did she mention when she was going to see him again?
Amber Dunn: I think they were supposed to have a date. That's what she said when she found about he'd been… you know. She was real upset, saying they were supposed to go for a nice dinner, but instead, the last time she saw him was here and how horrible it was.
Detective Murphy: Do you know where Dawn was that night?
Amber Dunn: No. I mean, we left work around 6:00 p.m., and after that, I don't know. She called me first thing after she heard about Mr. Fontaine the next day, and I went over to her apartment. That was Saturday evening.
Detective Murphy: Amber, does Dawn have any enemies who might want to hurt her?
Amber Dunn: Gosh, no. Who would want to hurt an aerobics instructor?
Detective Armstrong: What about Mr. Fontaine? Did she mention anyone threatening him, or do you know of anyone who might have wanted to harm him?
Amber Dunn: No, not at all. Like I said, I only know of him through Dawn. That's all.
Detective Armstrong: Is there anything else you think we need to know?
Amber Dunn: No. I'm sorry.
Detective Armstrong: All right. Well, if you think of anything, just give us a call.
Amber Dunn: Okay. Um, can I go now? Step and Sculpt starts in 15 minutes.
Detective Armstrong: Sure.
Interview ended – 3:46 p.m.