Archive: Incident report

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Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department
711 Jackson Avenue
Oxford, MS 38655

     ___ Juvenile
     ___ Senior
     ___ Gang
     ___ Child
     ___ Domestic
     ___ Involved
Date Reported:
 Time Reported:
  10:41 p.m.
  Malicious Mischief
  _X_ Committed
  ___ Attempted
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
 Location of Offense(Exact address, include Room/ Apt. No.)
  3 County Road 280, Oxford, Mississippi
 Date of Offense:
 Time of Offense:
  8:30 AM – 10:30 PM (estimated)
 Location of Arrest (Exact address, include Room/Apt. No.)
 Date of Arrest:
 Time of Arrest:
 Reporting Officer:
  Ofc. D. C. Baxter
 Unit Number:
 Assisting Officer:
 Unit Number:




 Foul Play Suspected
 Scott Bryant
 Alias/Street Name/ Nickname
 Vic/Offender Relationship
 5' 11"
 210 lbs.
 Black short-sleeved
 Blue denim
 Soc. Security #
 None visible
 Injury Extent
 None visible
 Injury Description
 59 Snow Mass Cove, Oxford, MS

 Res Phone 662-801-XXXX
 Bus Phone 662-801-XXXX

 Stage manager/prop maker
 Employer Address
 59 Snow Mass Cove, Oxford, MS

Reporting Officer's narrative

  REPORTING OFFICER'S NARRATIVE(Brief narrative of the facts surrounding the offense and the arrest.)

At 10:41 p.m., Dispatch received a non-emergency call reporting the vandalism of a vehicle in the parking lot at 3 County Road 280. The caller identified himself as Scott Bryant (Person 1).

Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Unit 207 (Officer D. C. Baxter) was on patrol nearby and was dispatched to the location. Reporting Officer (R/O) arrived at the scene at 10:45 p.m. Environmental conditions at the scene upon arrival were as follows: Weather: Fair; Exterior Ambient Temperature: 72° F/ 22° C; Relative Humidity: 87%.

Upon arrival, R/O Baxter observed a single vehicle in the parking lot, a dark blue Ford Mustang GT Deluxe, tag number JTZ 818. The vehicle was parked approximately 50 yards west of the northwest corner of the building.

Alongside the vehicle, R/O observed an adult male with a small flashlight who looked to be viewing damage done to the vehicle. R/O approached the individual, who identified himself as Scott Bryant, the owner of the vehicle and the individual who reported the incident to Dispatch.

On visual inspection of the vehicle, R/O observed sharp force punctures to the sidewalls of three of the four tires, which had resulted in the deflation of the damaged tires. The right rear tire was not deflated but did have discernible tool marks suggestive of a failed attempt to puncture the tire. A visual examination of the fenders revealed no fingerprints or handprints.

The complainant said he was working late at the warehouse theater in its workshop area. He said he had not been out to his car that day from the time he came to work at approximately 8:30 a.m. until he left the theater at approximately 10:30 p.m. He first discovered that his tires were punctured when he went to leave for home.

The complainant said he had been working alone in the workshop, and no other theater employee was working late that night. There were no other witnesses in the area.

When asked if he had an idea of who might have damaged his vehicle, the complainant said he had been arguing with a co-worker, Denis Goodman, who was likely to have done it in anger. However, the complainant admitted that Goodman was not scheduled to work at the warehouse theater that day and that he had not seen Goodman since Friday, October 8, 2021.

The complainant also reported that the neighborhood had recently experienced a rash of vandalism by local teens, but those incidents were mostly limited to spray-painting and leaving surface gouges from their skateboards on public structures.

R/O recommended to the complainant that he take photographs of the damage for his insurance company, which the complainant did using his cellphone.

The complainant inquired about the next steps in the investigation. R/O assured the complainant that investigators would do everything they could to find the responsible party or parties. R/O provided the complainant with the incident number of this report and told him the report would be available the morning of the next day.

A tow truck from Billee's Auto Service arrived at the scene at 11:05 p.m. in response to a call from the complainant. The complainant's vehicle was loaded onto the flatbed tow truck and removed from the scene at approximately 11:20 p.m. The complainant called a co-worker, Anna Kessler, for a ride home at approximately 11:20 p.m., and both left the scene at approximately 11:30 p.m.

R/O departed the scene at 11:38 p.m.


  DEFENDANT'S VERSION/REMARKS(What did the defendant say about the offense or his/her whereabouts at the time of offense?)


 Unit Number
 Unit Number



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