Corrie Townsend interview #2
Tuesday, January 13, 2021 - 4:15 p.m.
Corrie Townsend was Katie Masters' best friend and was with her on the day she died.
Detective Armstrong and Detective Murphy re-interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Corrie Townsend
Detective Murphy: Please state your name and address.
Corrie Townsend: Corrie Townsend. I live at 140 Colonial Road.
Detective Murphy: Corrie, now that you've had a few days to think, can you think of anyone who would have wanted to see Katie dead?
Corrie Townsend: When I first heard that she was found at the Kangaroo Express, I thought of Jimmy.
Detective Murphy: Why is that?
Corrie Townsend: Katie knew that he had a crush on her, so every chance she got to make him squirm, she jumped on.
Detective Murphy: How would she do that?
Corrie Townsend: For instance, when her and Bobby would go in there together, she would kiss Bobby in front of Jimmy. Then when Bobby turned away, she would wink at Jimmy and lick her lips. She really teased him a lot. I felt so sorry for him. He's a big-time blusher. I thought maybe this time she went too far, and he snapped.
Detective Murphy: But you don't think so anymore?
Corrie Townsend: Not really. I mean, that seems kind of crazy, doesn't it?
Detective Armstrong: What about Bobby? Could he have killed her?
Corrie Townsend: Bobby couldn't have done it even if he wanted to. He wouldn't even hunt because he thought "Thou shall not kill" meant exactly what it said.
Detective Armstrong: So, Bobby is religious?
Corrie Townsend: Very! That's why they broke up. Katie wanted to have sex, but Bobby is one of those virginity pledge kids who aren't going to have sex until they're married. I mean, he has one of those purity rings and everything.
Detective Armstrong: And Katie knew he was religious when she started going out with him?
Corrie Townsend: Yeah, but she thought she could change his mind. Eventually, she got tired of waiting and dumped him.
Detective Murphy: You said that when Katie didn't come back from the store, you thought she went to party with the boys from the skate park.
Corrie Townsend: Yeah.
Detective Murphy: You told us one of the boys called her names and made a threat. Why weren't you worried about her if you thought she was with them?
Corrie Townsend: Katie is street smart. She can take care of herself. Well, she always could before that day. I don't get how anyone could have done that to her. She would have fought like a wildcat and screamed her head off. How come no one saw or heard her?
Detective Murphy: That's what we're trying to figure out, Corrie. Did Katie have her cell phone with her when she left the Wash-All?
Corrie Townsend: Her battery was almost dead, but I saw her put it in her pocket. Didn't she have it with her when you found her?
Detective Murphy: What's her number?
Corrie Townsend: 380-XXXX.
Detective Murphy: Can you describe the phone?
Corrie Townsend: It's some kind of Android—I don't know what kind—and it has a pink sparkly case.
Detective Murphy: We didn't find any money on Katie. How was she going to buy the snacks?
Corrie Townsend: Her purse was still in my car, but she always had cash on her in her cell phone. She would fold up a $5 or $10 and put it inside the phone case.
Detective Murphy: Why did Katie have on roller skates? I thought most people these days had inline skates.
Corrie Townsend: Her inline skates broke, and her dad said the glue wasn't dry yet, so she took the rollers.
Detective Armstrong: You were the last person to see Katie alive. Did you kill her?
Corrie Townsend: Me? No way. She's my best friend. I loved her.
Detective Armstrong: Were you in love with her?
Corrie Townsend: It wasn't like that. It was never like that. We were just friends.
Detective Armstrong: Were you jealous of the boys in her life?
Corrie Townsend: Sometimes. Of course, I was. She was like a dude magnet, and I admit I envied that.
Detective Armstrong: Did you ever fight over boys?
Corrie Townsend: Yep, we sure did. There were a few times when she hooked up with guys I liked, and it upset me.
Detective Armstrong: Were you upset with her the day she died?
Corrie Townsend: No.
Detective Armstrong: Did you argue before she left the laundry?
Corrie Townsend: No.
Detective Armstrong: Are we going to find your fingerprints in the restroom where Katie was killed?
Corrie Townsend: Oh my God, no! Why are you acting like I did this?
Detective Armstrong: Did you?
Corrie Townsend: No!
Detective Murphy: Okay, Corrie. I'm sure you understand that we have to be thorough in our investigation. You want us to find out who killed Katie, don't you?
Corrie Townsend: Well, it wasn't me. Can I go?
Detective Murphy: Yes. Thanks for coming in. We'll be in touch if we need anything else.
Interview ended – 4:45 p.m.