Boyd Forbes interview
Thursday, January 2, 2025 – 1:00 p.m.
Boyd Forbes is a thirty-eight-year-old convicted felon and former boyfriend of Peggy LeClaire.
Detective Armstrong talked to him at West Tennessee State Penitentiary in Henning, TN.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Boyd Forbes
Detective Armstrong: Thanks for speaking with me, Boyd.
Boyd Forbes: Sure. I ain't got much else to do.
Detective Armstrong: I know this seems silly, given our location, but would you please state your name and address? Just for the record?
Boyd Forbes: Boyd Forbes. Cell 183, Block F. West Tennessee State Pen. That detailed enough for you?
Detective Armstrong: That's fine. I see that you're doing time for grand theft auto. How much longer you got on the count?
Boyd Forbes: Who knows? Maybe three if I get lucky and they let me out early. Could be here for almost ten if they stick me.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know a woman named Peggy LeClaire?
Boyd Forbes: Sure. We dated for several years. What's this about?
Detective Armstrong: I just need some information on Peggy.
Boyd Forbes: She ain't in trouble, is she?
Detective Armstrong: Hard to say. So you two dated? Can you give me more details?
Boyd Forbes: I met her up in Michigan. I was working here and there. Doing a little construction when the weather was good. Working on the boats on the lakes at other times. She and I met at a convenience store, and we started dating.
Detective Armstrong: What was she like?
Boyd Forbes: Real nice. Kind of quiet, but a real sweet girl.
Detective Armstrong: How long were y'all together?
Boyd Forbes: Off and on for about three years or so.
Detective Armstrong: What do you mean by "off and on?"
Boyd Forbes: We'd break up for a while and then get back together. Or else I'd run off somewheres, and then whenever I came back, we'd pick back up. Of course, the occasional vacation provided by the state also interrupted our relationship every now and then.
Detective Armstrong: When did you two end up in Oxford?
Boyd Forbes: I had just gotten out up in Michigan and decided that a change of scenery was needed. Since I had a lot of experience on boats, we kind of made our way down the Mississippi River. Eventually, we left the river and just floated around. Hung out in Jackson, Tennessee, a while. Made it as far down as Baton Rouge. But we both just liked Oxford, so we settled there.
Detective Armstrong: Why did y'all finally break up?
Boyd Forbes: Peggy was real religious. Sort of weird that she spent so much time with me. Maybe she wanted to reform me. Save me. Anyway, so we fought all the time. I'd pull a job, and she'd feel bad for days, weeks even. She was always talking about the people I'd robbed. She just kept saying over and over, "It's just not right. It's just not right."
Detective Armstrong: And that was it?
Boyd Forbes: Yeah. Pretty much so. I did kind of feel bad for involving her in my stuff. She's too good for that. Plus, I'd found this girl named Mona Lee in Hattiesburg, so I thought I would just disappear from Peggy's life.
Detective Armstrong: When was that, when y'all broke up?
Boyd Forbes: Ah, gotta be ten years ago now, more or less.
Detective Armstrong: Have you seen or heard from her since then?
Boyd Forbes: Some. Not much lately.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you talked to her?
Boyd Forbes: Couldn't tell you. I really don't remember.
Detective Armstrong: Well, do you remember Peggy ever owning any guns?
Boyd Forbes: I gave her one. It was a little old .25 caliber. With the crowd I was running with, I thought she might need it sometime.
Detective Armstrong: Where'd you get it?
Boyd Forbes: I took it off some boy in Murfreesboro who got up in my face.
Detective Armstrong: Can you imagine Peggy using it?
Boyd Forbes: I doubt it. Even if you threatened her and cornered her, I don't think she'd cap anyone.
Detective Armstrong: Why'd you give it to her if there's no way she'd ever use it?
Boyd Forbes: Well, I guess she might if you hurt someone she cared about. Peggy didn't mind being hurt herself. You could probably slap her around, and she wouldn't do anything.
Detective Armstrong: And just how would you know that?
Boyd Forbes: Look, man, this ain't about me. What I'm telling you is if Peggy thought someone else was being hurt, you'd better watch out. It's that whole thing she has about what's right. She was the kind who would kick some ass if she saw some kids messing with a cat or something.
Detective Armstrong: So this sense of justice, of right and wrong, was so powerful with Peggy that she might use the weapon to defend someone else?
Boyd Forbes: Possibly. I mean, it's still a long shot. I have a hard time seeing her firing that thing, but if anything would get her to do it, defending someone else would be it. She would definitely be righting some sort of wrong.
Detective Armstrong: Okay, thanks for your time. I'll put ten down on the books for you when I go.
Boyd Forbes: Thanks. You look after Peggy now.
Detective Armstrong: Don't worry. We'll keep an eye on her.
Interview ended – 1:22 p.m.