Advance information is available to Detectives. Our records show you are a member of the Public group, Guest.

New Information for Detectives

Family tragedy ends in ruin

The Crime Beat reports: Friends, neighbors, and strangers stunned by the Daniels family catastrophe.

Early coroner's findings

The detectives received unofficial preliminary opinions from the coroner's office regarding additional remains recovered.

Coroner's report - Jane Doe #009

Rush preliminary report on the autopsy of Jane Doe #009. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Coroner's report - John Doe #008

Rush preliminary report on the autopsy of John Doe #008. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Letter from fire scene

CSU recovered some potentially relevant correspondence from the fire scene.

Early analysis results

The detectives received unofficial preliminary opinions on some evidence recovered at the fire location.

Detectives' K-9 report

Detectives were present for the complete K-9 search of the property where the fire happened.

K-9 Unit report

Following the fire, the detectives and K-9 officers searched the location looking for potential evidence.

New Information for Officers

Incident report

The detectives encountered an unexpected situation when they went to execute one of the search warrants.

Search warrants

The detectives obtained warrants to search the residences and vehicles of multiple persons of interest.

Alibi check

Investigators summarized the alibis for persons of interest and whether those alibis could be corroborated.

Updated Places of Interest

Investigators added several locations that have become relevant to the Laurie Daniels investigation.

Bonnie Daniels interview #2

The detectives also persuaded Bonnie Daniels to talk to them about recent discoveries.

Bart Daniels interview #2

The detectives managed to arrange to talk to Bart Daniels about recent developments.

Willie's Fuel & Bait payphone

The YCSD obtained the call records for the payphone outside Willie's Fuel & Bait.

Parents accuse Simms

The Crime Beat reports: Bart and Bonnie Daniels defend Burgess, hire PIs to investigate Simms.




Crime Scene
3602 N 16th St
Phoenix, AZ 85016

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