Jennifer Alexander bio
Jennifer Alexander was born on January 3, 2005, the second of Douglas and Helen Alexander's three children. Doug is the manager of Alexander's Appliances, where Helen has worked part-time as a sales clerk since her children started school.
When Jennifer enrolled at the University of Mississippi, she plunged into campus social life. She joined a sorority and considered trying out for cheerleading, which she had done in high school, but decided she'd rather have more time to socialize. She still worked at the family store a few afternoons a week, but otherwise, she was fully immersed in the college experience.
Part of that experience included going with her friends to hear bands play at venues on and off campus. One night at Proud Larry's, she saw a band called Random Deeds and was smitten with the lead singer, Blake Jenson. She went to talk to him after the set, and after some extended flirting, he asked her out. Jennifer was thrilled.
They quickly became a couple, and she couldn't have been happier. She made sure to show him how much she cared every day so he'd never forget how much he meant to her. She texted him throughout the day just to let him know she was thinking of him. When she finished classes for the day, she dropped by his house to see him.
She went to as many Random Deeds rehearsals and gigs as possible to show her support for Blake's artistic endeavors. If she saw something in a store that made her think of him, she bought it for him as a gift.
Everything was great between them, and Jennifer told friends she was thinking about moving in with Blake soon. Then, one day, it all fell apart.
Blake broke up with her. When she asked why, he said she was too much for him, and he couldn't give her what she needed. She begged him to give her another chance and promised she could change, but Blake declined. He said they could still be friends, but he didn't want to be in a relationship with her anymore.
Jennifer was heartbroken. She spent a few days wallowing in the pain, then decided she wasn't going to give up on him. According to her sorority sisters, she planned to give Blake some space so he could see what he was missing without her but still see him casually often enough that he wouldn't forget about her.
Blake's party was one of those opportunities to see him and tacitly remind him that he could break up with Madison and get back with her whenever he was ready.