Lita Harrison interview
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 – 3:30 p.m.
Lita Harrison traveled to Oxford with the victim, Rolf Warner, and his business partner, Gus Heller.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her in her motel room at the Rebel Inn.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Lita Harrison
Detective Murphy: Please state your name and address for the record.
Lita Harrison: Lita Marie Harrison. I live at 1088 North Avenue in Atlanta. Of course, here, I'm staying at this motel, but I don't know the address.
Detective Murphy: For the record, the witness's temporary local address is the Rebel Inn at 2133 S Lamar Blvd.
Lita Harrison: I used to live in Macon. Nice place.
Detective Murphy: Macon, Georgia? Do you maintain an address there in Macon?
Lita Harrison: Oh no, ma'am. I was just saying.
Detective Murphy: All right, well, we have several questions about your traveling companion, Mr. Rolf Warner. How did you come to know him?
Lita Harrison: Through Gus. Gus Heller. We met at The Pink Posy in Atlanta, where I work. I have an act with ostrich feathers. Gus really liked it. We really hit it off.
Detective Armstrong: So you're a … dancer?
Lita Harrison: Yes, an exotic dancer.
Detective Murphy: Do you remember when you met Mr. Heller? What date?
Lita Harrison: Well, I'd say about two months ago.
Detective Murphy: And when did you meet Mr. Warner? That same night?
Lita Harrison: It was the next day at breakfast. Gus just thought I was so beautiful. It's a curse, I tell you. Men only ever notice my looks. Anyways, he was looking for a model for his game. He and Ralph are doing this mystery game, and they needed a female superhero, and Gus said I was it.
Detective Murphy: Who is Ralph?
Lita Harrison: Oh, that's Gus's friend, the one you've been talking about? The guy who got killed? I can't pronounce his name. I just call him Ralph.
Detective Murphy: I see. So, you met Ralph, and he agreed that you should be a part of this game he was working on with Gus?
Lita Harrison: Oh yes!
Detective Murphy: And what exactly did they want you to do?
Lita Harrison: Oh, pose for pictures and do some video stuff. They were going to work all that into the game somehow, but I don't know how all that stuff works.
Detective Murphy: Then what? Did you continue your work at The Pink Posy? Pose for pictures during the day?
Lita Harrison: Yeah. I mean, I don't pose for them every day, and they can't pay me enough right now for me to quit my job, but yeah. That's pretty much how it is.
Detective Murphy: And you've been doing this since you met Mr. Heller and Mr. Warner sometime in … January?
Lita Harrison: Right.
Detective Armstrong: So what are you doing in Oxford?
Lita Harrison: I guess part of the game is that it happens in these sort of famous places, you know, where famous writers are from.
Detective Murphy: Like Rowan Oak, for example?
Lita Harrison: Yes, ma'am. So we had to go on the road and take pictures and whatever at all these places. That's how we got here—to take the pictures and all.
Detective Murphy: And you arrived when?
Lita Harrison: Monday afternoon.
Detective Murphy: Do you know why Ralph was at Rowan Oak this morning?
Lita Harrison: To take pictures, I guess.
Detective Murphy: He went alone? You didn't go with him?
Lita Harrison: I don't know if he went alone. I didn't go. I needed my beauty sleep, and then I had a date for breakfast.
Detective Murphy: Do you know who Ralph might have gone with?
Lita Harrison: I don't know. Maybe Gus? When I went out to breakfast, I didn't see either of them. When I got back, Gus was here, and he was in a bad mood, so I just stayed away from him.
Detective Armstrong: Who was your date with this morning?
Lita Harrison: Just this guy, JP.
Detective Armstrong: Is that his first name? His initials?
Lita Harrison: First name?
Detective Armstrong: What's his last name?
Lita Harrison: I don't … remember.
Detective Armstrong: Okay. What time was it when you went to breakfast?
Lita Harrison: I left about 9:00 a.m.
Detective Armstrong: What time did you return here to the motel?
Lita Harrison: I got back about 10:00, 10:30 a.m.
Detective Murphy: Do you know why Gus was in a bad mood when you got back?
Lita Harrison: I don't know. I think maybe he had a fight with Ralph.
Detective Murphy: What makes you think they had a fight?
Lita Harrison: They fought a lot. Nothing too serious ever really, but still they argued a lot.
Detective Murphy: What would they fight about?
Lita Harrison: Probably about Gus spending too much money.
Detective Armstrong: And Ralph didn't like that?
Lita Harrison: Ralph kind of had a thing about it. I guess they had limited funds.
Detective Murphy: You were being paid for your part in the game, though, right?
Lita Harrison: A little pocket money is all, and room and board while we're on the road, of course. I was going to get the big money when the game made it big, and we had all the merchandising contracts signed and all that stuff.
Detective Murphy: I see. I'm curious: how old are you?
Lita Harrison: I'm legal, if that's what you mean. I'm 23.
Detective Murphy: Ralph and Gus seem a good deal older than you.
Lita Harrison: I like older men.
Detective Murphy: Were you or are you having a sexual relationship with either Ralph or Gus?
Lita Harrison: I'm not sure if that's any of your business.
Detective Murphy: One of your traveling companions has been brutally murdered. I think just about everything is our business at this point. Were you having a sexual relationship with Ralph?
Lita Harrison: Sometimes.
Detective Murphy: Did Gus know?
Lita Harrison: Well, I didn't tell him if that's what you mean.
Detective Murphy: Were you also sleeping with Gus?
Lita Harrison: Sometimes.
Detective Murphy: And you didn't tell Ralph about that either, right?
Lita Harrison: A girl has to have insurance policies sometimes. I was just making sure I wasn't going to be left out in the cold. You know what I mean?
Detective Murphy: Yes, I'm afraid I do. Can you think of anyone who would have a grudge against Ralph that might do something like this?
Lita Harrison: Are you kidding? Of course not!
Detective Armstrong: Is there anyone who might resent his relationship with you and want revenge on him?
Lita Harrison: No! Like who?
Detective Armstrong: Like Gus?
Lita Harrison: No way. He would never kill Ralph.
Detective Armstrong: What about someone else from your past? Someone you met through your job, maybe?
Lita Harrison: No. There's no one.
Detective Murphy: Okay, Ms. Harrison. I'm sure we'll be talking to you again. We need you to stay in town for the time being, okay?
Lita Harrison: Well, we can't stay here forever, you know.
Detective Murphy: If you need to leave, be sure you let us know first. You have a good day now.
Interview ended – 4:04 p.m.