Canvass – Jackson Walker's neighbors
Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. E. Parker
Incident No.: 006057-12L-2022
Case Description: Jackson Walker death investigation
On December 12, 2022, the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department conducted a canvass of residents of the apartment building at 1013 University Avenue, Oxford.
Participants were questioned about what they had seen and heard in the area between December 9, 2022, and December 12, 2022.
Janis Hutton (age 31)
Apartment 1
Ms. Hutton said Mr. Walker could be disrespectful about community living. She said that he had a female friend who visited four or five times a week and left around midnight, letting the gate slam and startling Ms. Hutton out of her sleep. Ms. Hutton said she doesn't know the female friend's name other than she heard Mr. Walker call the female friend "Syl."
Ms. Hutton said she had confronted Mr. Walker on at least five occasions about his failure to rinse out his recyclables before noisily tossing them in the bin. Ms. Hutton said the unclean cans and bottles attracted ants, and those ants make their way into her apartment.
Ms. Hutton said someone visited Mr. Walker around 3:00 Saturday afternoon (12/10/2022) with a care package. Ms. Hutton said she didn't see the person but heard someone knocking on Mr. Walker's door and someone who sounded like "Syl" calling out, "It's me, open up, I have a care package." Ms. Hutton said her assumption got stronger based on the telltale gate slam, but she had no other confirmation.
Larissa Robbins (age 42)
Apartment 4
Ms. Robbins said Mr. Walker had a "lady friend" named Sylvia who visited about five times a week but never stayed overnight.
Ms. Robbins said this "lady friend" brought Mr. Walker a care package Saturday around 3:00 p.m. and stayed in his apartment for about 17 minutes. Ms. Robbins said she heard Sylvia's voice outside Mr. Walker's apartment door calling out to him to let her in because she had a care package. Ms. Robbins said it was "pretty obvious" that Sylvia was in love with Mr. Walker, but Mr. Walker didn't reciprocate.
Ms. Robbins said she and Mr. Walker were close friends, and he had been in her apartment numerous times. She said she made dinner for the two of them on occasion and would've done so more often, if not for Sylvia's frequent visits. Ms. Robbins said she offered to take care of Mr. Walker when she heard he was sick, but he declined because he had been vomiting.
Ms. Robbins said that on more than one occasion, she thought she heard what sounded like Mr. Walker shouting at his brother, Joshua Walker. She said she couldn't be sure because sometimes Mr. Walker got boisterous during his video game playing and shouted at the other online players. She said she knew of Joshua because, during one of their dinner dates, Mr. Walker spoke to her about the strained relationship between the two brothers and then mentioned Joshua by name.
Ms. Robbins admitted that she assumed Mr. Walker was shouting at his brother because Mr. Walker used the nickname "Josh," such as "Get a life, Josh" or "Nobody wants to be around you, Josh" but that she couldn't be certain because it just as quickly could've been an online gamer.
Cynthia Styles (age 34)
Apartment 2
Ms. Styles said she typically doesn't hear too much noise coming from Mr. Walker's apartment, but in the past two weeks, on three occasions, she has heard raised voices that sounded male. She said she could not hear what they were saying, but the voices sounded angry.
Ms. Styles reported that Mr. Walker had exchanged words with Ms. Janis Hutton in apartment 1 over Mr. Walker's refusal to rinse his recyclables before putting them in the bin and with Mr. James Washington also in apartment 1 because Mr. Walker tends to "straddle the line" when parking his car.
Ms. Styles said Mr. Walker invited her to a "get to know your neighbors" party at his apartment last year. She described Mr. Walker as a charming host who talked about the history of Oxford and said he had a small collection of carefully tended bonsai plants, each of which he had named.
Edward Washington (age 30)
Apartment 1
Mr. Washington said Mr. Walker was not a very considerate neighbor, not least because he often parked on or over the line encroaching in Mr. Washington's parking space.
Mr. Washington said Mr. Walker had a girlfriend who visited but never stayed overnight. He said Mr. Walker occasionally had parties and invited other neighbors, but Mr. Washington never was invited.
Mr. Washington said he once overheard an argument between Mr. Walker and a man who Mr. Washington didn't recognize. The two men argued in the parking lot about Mr. Walker's comments regarding the other gentleman's work performance. Mr. Washington heard the other man tell Mr. Walker that "tenure offers only so much protection" and "karma is a gift for those of us you've screwed over."
Mr. Washington said that he heard Ms. Robbins in Apartment 4 leave her apartment and knock on Mr. Walker's apartment door on Saturday around 10:00 a.m., but he didn't hear any of Ms. Robbins and Mr. Walker's conversation.