Russell Moran interview
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 – 9:29 p.m.
Russell Moran, the victim's husband, discovered Kelly Moran's body when he arrived home from work on July 31, 2024.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at his residence.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Russell Moran
Detective Armstrong: Good evening, Mr. Moran. Our condolences for your loss.
Russell Moran: Thank you. I… I can't believe what just happened.
Detective Armstrong: We're sorry to have to do this now, but would you mind answering some questions for us while the details are still fresh in your mind?
Russell Moran: Yes… Yes, all right. Please have a seat.
Detective Murphy: Mr. Moran, would you please state your name and address for the record?
Russell Moran: My name is Russell… Russell Moran. I live at 797 Muirfield Drive.
Detective Murphy: Thank you. Mr. Moran, are you the owner of this house?
Russell Moran: Yes, I live here with my wife.
Detective Armstrong: Did you two have anyone else staying with you? Now or in the past?
Russell Moran: No, we don't have any children, if that's what you mean. Just me and Kelly and our dog, Baxter.
Detective Murphy: Where is your dog now?
Russell Moran: Oh, I left him in the basement where I found him.
Detective Murphy: You mean you weren't the one who put the dog there?
Russell Moran: I assume Kelly must have locked Baxter in there. He's not too friendly, likes to bark and growl whenever we have guests.
Detective Armstrong: Was Mrs. Moran entertaining guests here today?
Russell Moran: I'm not sure. I should have asked her… God, I wish I would have asked her this morning before rushing off to the office.
Detective Armstrong: At the County DA?
Russell Moran: Yes. How did you know?
Detective Armstrong: I've definitely seen you there quite a few times. It's a wonder we've never worked together.
Russell Moran: Well, I am there all the time.
Detective Murphy: And what time did you return home from the office today, Mr. Moran?
Russell Moran: I left around 7:45 p.m., so I must have gotten here by 8:00 p.m.
Detective Murphy: Can anyone verify that?
Russell Moran: The night guard, the receptionist, check the security footage if you'd like.
Detective Armstrong: What time did you find your wife?
Russell Moran: Right when I got home. She was right there on the sofa, just like she is now. I thought she had collapsed, but … when I ran over and saw those— those marks on her neck, my heart just stopped. Kelly … I loved her more than anything.
Detective Murphy: Mr. Moran, we need you to tell us anything else that you remember after you walked in the door. Was there anything unusual or out of place? The more you can tell us, the faster we can track down whoever is behind this.
Russell Moran: I didn't even notice the mess in the house at first. As you can see, the place looks like it's been ransacked. The glass from the door in the back bedroom is shattered. I left everything as it was. I can't believe a burglar would go this far.
Detective Murphy: Is there anything missing from the house?
Russell Moran: All I know for now is that they took the cash from Kelly's wallet and her jewelry box from the bedroom. I really haven't had a chance to look around.
Detective Murphy: If you find anything else later, would you kindly supply us with a list of missing items?
Russell Moran: Sure, yes.
Detective Armstrong: Mr. Moran, you mentioned just now that you thought your wife had collapsed. Was she suffering from any health issues?
Russell Moran: Kelly had collapsed a few times in the past. She was in a car accident about ten years ago, messed up her neck and spine. She's had chronic pain ever since.
Detective Armstrong: Was she being treated for this condition?
Russell Moran: Yes, she went to pain management.
Detective Armstrong: Who was the doctor responsible for Mrs. Moran's care?
Russell Moran: I… I actually don't know. She had switched doctors so many times. She never could stick with one for long. The only name I know is Lorraine Estrada, the pharmacist at Gordon's. Kelly had been filling her prescriptions there for years.
Detective Murphy: What medications was Mrs. Moran taking?
Russell Moran: Percocet. It was the only thing that worked for Kelly.
Detective Murphy: Mr. Moran, do you know if your wife had any enemies? Anyone who would have wanted to harm her?
Russell Moran: No! Kelly was a kind and beautiful person. Everyone loved her.
Detective Armstrong: What about a jealous coworker?
Russell Moran: Kelly was a homemaker.
Detective Armstrong: A friendship gone sour, perhaps?
Russell Moran: Well, she may have had a falling out with one of the women in her circle a couple of weeks ago.
Detective Murphy: Who might that be?
Russell Moran: Trish—Patricia —Lee. She works at Oxford Printing. She and Kelly were on and off pretty often.
Detective Murphy: Do you know what they were arguing about?
Russell Moran: I think it was something about Trish not letting Kelly borrow her interior designer or personal shopper. I really don't recall the details. The woman is clearly crazy if she's picking fights with someone as sweet as Kelly.
Detective Murphy: Who else made up Mrs. Moran's circle of friends?
Russell Moran: There's Karen West. She moved to Oxford six or seven years ago with her husband, Michael. We had them over for dinner about once a month. Also, the Cuthberts. Nicolette is also a homemaker. Kelly was also pretty close with Lorraine.
Detective Armstrong: Her pharmacist?
Russell Moran: Yes, they go down to The Blind Pig every now and then. Kelly loves karaoke nights. I can't believe I'll never get to hear her sing again.
Detective Armstrong: We're sorry for your loss, Mr. Moran. You've been very helpful, and we can't thank you enough.
Detective Murphy: Is there anything else you can think of that would help this investigation?
Russell Moran: No… Not right now. May I please have some time alone to grieve for my wife now?
Detective Murphy: Of course. You understand that you won't be able to stay here tonight?
Russell Moran: I hadn't thought… but yes, of course.
Detective Murphy: Do you have somewhere you can stay? Would you like us to call anyone for you?
Russell Moran: No, no. I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. You should focus on … your work here.
Detective Murphy: Okay, then. An officer will go with you to your bedroom so you can collect a change of clothes, a toothbrush, any personal items you might need.
Russell Moran: Thank you.
Detective Murphy: Thank you for your time. We'll be in touch.
Interview ended – 10:01 p.m.