Russell Moran interview #2
Sunday, August 4, 2024 – 10:14 a.m.
Russell Moran came in for another interview at the detectives' request to follow up on some of the information they've learned during their investigation so far.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke with him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Russell Moran
Detective Armstrong: Thank you for coming in, Mr. Moran. How are you holding up?
Russell Moran: As well as one could expect, I suppose. I don't know. I think I'm still in shock. But, please, go ahead. I know you have questions for me.
Detective Murphy: We do. Thank you. First, just for the record, would you state your name and address?
Russell Moran: Russell Moran. 797 Muirfield Drive.
Detective Murphy: Some things have come up in our investigation that we'd like to get your input on.
Russell Moran: Of course.
Detective Murphy: Let's see. You and your wife have a dog, correct?
Russell Moran: Yes, Baxter.
Detective Murphy: Do you have any other pets?
Russell Moran: No. Baxter is more than enough.
Detective Murphy: No birds?
Russell Moran: Birds? No. Why?
Detective Murphy: The CSU team found some parakeet feathers in your home. Do you have any thoughts about where they might have come from?
Russell Moran: I have no idea. Is that something you women have on your clothes and whatnot for decoration?
Detective Murphy: Uh… not that I know of. Do you maybe know someone who has a parakeet?
Russell Moran: You know, now that you mention it, I think Karen has birds. I don't know what kind. You'd have to ask her. That's Karen West. I think I told you about her.
Detective Murphy: You did. Do you have any other friends or acquaintances who have birds?
Russell Moran: I don't know.
Detective Armstrong: We were talking to some of your neighbors, and it sounds like you folks entertained at your home quite a bit.
Russell Moran: I'm not sure what constitutes "quite a bit." We had people over sometimes. Sometimes we went out. There have been a lot of people dropping in since… Kelly. Bringing casseroles and whatnot. You know how they do.
Detective Armstrong: The church ladies are taking good care of you, eh?
Russell Moran: You could say that.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know how your wife spent her time during the day while you were at work?
Russell Moran: I don't really. Sometimes, she went out for lunch or shopping, I guess. Got together with her friends. She used to go out a lot more — you know, up to Memphis for the day and so forth — but since the car accident, she stayed home more. Not all the time, but more than she had before. Because of the pain. You understand.
Detective Armstrong: So maybe people came by to visit her during the day instead of them going out somewhere?
Russell Moran: Sure, I suppose so.
Detective Armstrong: Did she typically tell you about her day: who stopped by, who she talked to, things like that?
Russell Moran: Sometimes. There wasn't usually much worth telling. She had tea with Nicolette. She met the girls for lunch. She went to the doctor or the pharmacy. That kind of thing.
Detective Armstrong: So if people were visiting your wife during the day, you wouldn't necessarily know who they were?
Russell Moran: No, not necessarily.
Detective Armstrong: Is there any chance she might have been doing something you wouldn't approve of, so she didn't tell you about it?
Russell Moran: What are you getting at? Are you trying to tell me that my wife was having some kind of affair while I was at work?
Detective Armstrong: No, sir. Nothing like that.
Russell Moran: What then? What do you suspect my wife was doing?
Detective Armstrong: Like I said, some of your neighbors mentioned seeing people visiting your house. We're trying to find out who they were so we can talk to them and see if they might have any information about what happened to Kelly.
Russell Moran: Well, I can't help you with what happened at my house when I wasn't there. Maybe one of her friends would know.
Detective Murphy: Did your wife work, Mr. Moran?
Russell Moran: Kelly? No.
Detective Murphy: Not even a part-time, work-from-home kind of job to make a little pocket money?
Russell Moran: No, of course not. I earn a good living. Kelly had plenty of pocket money.
Detective Murphy: So if we found almost $1,000 cash in your house, that would be money Kelly got from your joint account?
Russell Moran: Where else would she get it?
Detective Murphy: Any thoughts on why it was hidden in a candle safe?
Russell Moran: A what?
Detective Murphy: A candle with a hidden compartment. You knew y'all had one, right? It was in your kitchen.
Russell Moran: I… We have a lot of candles.
Detective Murphy: Can you think of a reason Kelly would keep a significant amount of cash around?
Russell Moran: I don't know. It's cash. People need cash for all kinds of things. Do you need anything else right now? I'm starting to get a headache.
Detective Armstrong: There is one more thing we need to talk about before you go.
Russell Moran: Go ahead.
Detective Armstrong: Marea Soakes.
Russell Moran: What about her?
Detective Armstrong: Tell us about your relationship with her.
Russell Moran: There was no relationship.
Detective Armstrong: That's not what we heard.
Russell Moran: Let me guess. Trish, right? That woman isn't happy unless she's spreading vicious gossip and stirring up drama.
Detective Armstrong: We still need to hear your description of your relationship with Mrs. Soakes.
Russell Moran: My description, also known as the truth, is that there was no relationship. We met at her baby shower, she found out what I do for a living, and she came to me about a legal situation. We talked privately about that situation several times. That's all.
Detective Armstrong: But you're an assistant district attorney. You're not in private practice. Why would she consult you about a legal situation?
Russell Moran: Detectives, I know we're on the same team, but there are some things I can't talk about. And I didn't say she consulted me. I said she came to me. I trust you can see the difference.
Detective Murphy: But you let her get fired from her job and be forced to move out of state. Why would you do that?
Russell Moran: Let's just say that in her situation, a move to another state was a good thing, and this bulls**t that Trish stirred up — as annoying and painful as it was — provided a good cover story.
Detective Murphy: You let your wife believe you'd had an affair to protect a witness?
Russell Moran: Only for a little while. Once the Soakes family had left town, I told Kelly what was going on. Not the details of the legal situation, of course, but the rest.
Detective Armstrong: Did she believe you?
Russell Moran: Eventually. She wasn't too happy with me, but she got over it. And she understood that she could never tell anyone else what really happened, so I'm sure all her friends still think I cheated on her.
Detective Murphy: Trish's husband believes you had an affair with Mrs. Soakes.
Russell Moran: Warren is a good guy, but Trish has him— he's whipped, okay? He doesn't see the nasty rumormonger side of Trish. All he sees is his beautiful, intelligent wife. That's great for their marriage, I suppose, but it's not so great for the rest of us.
Detective Armstrong: And if we contact Mrs. Soakes, she'll corroborate your version?
Russell Moran: You mean the truth? Yes, she will. But if you do reach out to her, it's essential that you be discreet.
Detective Murphy: You mean so her husband doesn't find out?
Russell Moran: No. Tell him anything you like. Just please be cautious about who around here finds out you know where she is. It could be bad for her.
Detective Armstrong: Understood. We'll call your office to get her contact information.
Russell Moran: I can get that for you.
Detective Murphy: No, no. We'll get it. You have enough to deal with right now.
Russell Moran: All right then.
Detective Armstrong: Thanks again for coming in to talk to us, Mr. Moran. We'll be in touch.
Interview ended – 10:52 a.m.