Silhouette of a person in front of a mugshot height chart

Suspect #1 interrogation, part 3

The detectives went back to Suspect #1 to see if they were ready to come clean.

Silhouette of a person in front of a mugshot height chart

Suspect #2 interrogation, part 3

The detectives gave the second suspect another chance to set the record straight.

Handcuffs with police lights and crime scene tape in the background and the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Suspect arrested in socialite murder

The Crime Beat reports: An arrest has been made in the Kelly Moran homicide investigation.

Silhouette of a person in front of a mugshot height chart

Suspect #1 interrogation, part 2

The detectives returned to Suspect #1 to see if they were ready to be more forthcoming.

Silhouette of a person in front of a mugshot height chart

Suspect #2 interrogation, part 2

The detectives checked in with the second suspect to see if they were ready to tell the truth.

Silhouette of a person in front of a mugshot height chart

Suspect #1 interrogation

The detectives brought in a suspect to discuss evidence implicating them in Kelly's murder.

Silhouette of a person in front of a mugshot height chart

Suspect #2 interrogation

The detectives brought in a second suspect to discuss evidence implicating them in Kelly's murder.

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