William Bolton interview #2

The detectives asked Victor's neighbor if he'd remembered anything more about Victor's activities.

Thomas Eldon interview #2

The detectives asked Mr. Eldon about the current status of Victor's estate.

Jennings death ruled a homicide

The Crime Beat comments: "New" info in the Victor Jennings investigation

Coroner's Report

Preliminary report on the autopsy of Victor Jennings. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Kyle Colby interview

The detectives talked to Kyle about his reaction to what Victor allegedly did to Kristin.

Kyle Colby bio

Kyle is the opposite of his polished, younger sister, but the two are very close.

Carl Asher interview #2

The detectives wanted Carl's response to new information since their last talk.

Ray Jennings interview #2

The detectives wanted to get Ray's thoughts on some new information about his brother's death.

Kristin Colby interview

The detectives talked to Terri's roommate, Kristin, about her interactions with Victor.

Kristin Colby bio

Kristin dreams of being famous and has devoted herself to establishing a successful modeling career.



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