Mark Eldridge bio
Mark Elvis Eldridge was born January 8, 1985, to Delilah Eldridge of Tupelo, Mississippi. Mark never knew his father. His mother always told him she had spent an evening with the "King," and Mark was born nine months later on Elvis' birthday. The fact that Elvis died a few years earlier never entered into her story.
Delilah never married, and she and Mark struggled financially in his youth. Delilah took odd jobs as a waitress and often brought home men she met at work. When she had company, Mark was usually kicked out of their one-bedroom apartment, so he spent a lot of his free time roaming the streets and the local woods.
Mark didn't do well in school, mainly because he often skipped class to go hunting in the woods. He didn't always wait for hunting season, so he was charged with poaching on several occasions and did several stints in the local juvenile detention center.
While Mark didn't excel in all of his classes, one that he enjoyed immensely was Home Economics. The class covered everything from cooking and budgeting to sex education and mending. While it is unclear why Mark enjoyed this class so much, his teacher did say he made an excellent pumpkin cookie.
Mark may not have been the actual son of Elvis Presley, but he did have at least one thing in common with him: he liked younger women. When he was 18, Mark was found with a 14-year-old girl. He was convicted of sexual battery and sentenced to two years in state prison.
Upon his release, Mark moved to Oxford, where he worked a series of jobs, never holding down any of them for too long. Mark was often seen with younger women and was charged numerous times with supplying alcohol to minors. He has never married or been in a relationship longer than three months and is not seeing anyone currently.
Mark still goes hunting every chance he gets, though not always during hunting season. While he has never been charged with poaching in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi Conservation Officers have investigated him several times for possible violations of the game and fish laws.
He lives alone in a small rented home. According to neighbors, Mark regularly hosts parties that last all night and often include teenagers among the attendees.
The YCSD has no records of any incidents reported at Mark's residence.