Biography: Gordon Snyder

gordon-snyderGordon Snyder has been friends with Ronny Brandt for more than a decade, dating back to before Hurricane Katrina when both of them lived in Biloxi.

Biography: Marianna York

marianna-yorkMarianna York's husband Mason has been working with RJ Brandt for the last few years. Marianna and Mason are also foster parents to younger children.

Biography: Mason York

mason-yorkAccountant and foster parent Mason York took RJ Brandt under his wing at the request of the minister at their church.

Biography: Andy Brandt

man3Andy Brandt is Ronny Brandt's older brother. Andy has stayed with Ronny's family periodically since his move to Oxford.

Biography: Tristan Lowell

tattoo-boyTristan Lowell's parents died several years ago. He and RJ Brandt found common ground in their shared experience of loss and became friends.

Biography: Peter Vicknair

Peter-VicknairPeter Vicknair has always had a passion for science and became a teacher so he could introduce students to the wonders of the natural world.

Biography: Ronny Brandt

ronny-brandtRonny Brandt tamed some of his wild ways when his son RJ was born. When his family lost their Biloxi home to a hurricane, Ronny had to grow up even more.

Biography: Heather Brandt

motherHeather Brandt had son RJ when she was 19. She, husband Ronny and RJ were relocated to Oxford after Hurricane Katrina hit their hometown of Biloxi, MS.

Biography: RJ Brandt

boy-bones212-year-old RJ Brandt is known as a troubled kid, which many attribute to ordeals in his early childhood. On March 16, 2012, he brought a skull to school.

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