Forensic analysis – sample comparison

The crime lab submitted their preliminary comparison of recently collected evidence with crime scene evidence.

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There's still an unidentified partial latent fingerprint on the arrow. Is there someone else who might be complicit in helping Stephanie obtain the arrow?

Jennifer Moore
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Not looking good for you Stephanie. It will be solid evidence if the hair samples and partial shoe print match to Stephanie, and solid motive if information on the computers are linked to cheating on school exams. This along with various witness...

Not looking good for you Stephanie. It will be solid evidence if the hair samples and partial shoe print match to Stephanie, and solid motive if information on the computers are linked to cheating on school exams. This along with various witness accounts, would be ample for Detectives to make an arrest. If Sherri Oster can confirm she saw Stephanie handle Marc's jacket, even better.
Stephanie will deny everything though I'm sure.
But there is an unidentified print on the arrow?
More than likely it will be from Cheryl Harris who was going to, "Yank the arrow out". She never gave her prints.

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