Search evidence analysis


REPORT DATE: 1/8/2025

Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Latent Print Examination; Trace Evidence Analysis; Firearms & Toolmark Analysis; Questioned Document Analysis

               ** RUSH **

Case #: 006559-21L-2024

Case Description: Zoe Chase homicide investigation

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong

Summary of Preliminary Evidence Analysis

Evidence #DescriptionLocationPreliminary findings
006717‑01 One (1) ladies blazer, brown, with reddish-brown stains United Way of Yoknapatawpha County Preliminary tests determined the stains to be human blood and the type to be consistent with that of Zoe Chase. DNA analysis pending.
006717-02 One (1) ladies glove, brown St. John's Catholic Church Manufacturer, materials, style, and color are consistent with the glove found at the crime scene (Evidence # 006559-14).
006717-03 One (1) key ring with three (3) keys St. John's Catholic Church

Evidence #s 006717-03-01 and 006717-03-02 fit locks on the entry doors at the residence of Peggy LeClaire.

Evidence #s 006717-03-03 fits the doors and ignition of the vehicle registered to Peggy LeClaire.

006559-58 One (1) pair ladies cotton slacks, khaki, size L, with reddish-brown stains LeClaire residence Preliminary tests determined the stains to be human blood and the type to be consistent with that of Zoe Chase. DNA analysis pending.
006559-59 One (1) small cardboard box, brown
  • 006559-66-01: One (1) ladies ring, gold with ruby-like and diamond-like stones
  • 006559-66-02: One (1) Rolex watch, gold
LeClaire residence

Preliminary fingerprint analysis of the box found full and partial fingerprints consistent with Peggy LeClaire.

Preliminary comparison of items 006559-66-01 and 006559-66-02 with photographs provided by Howard and Marion Neidelmen indicates these items are the pieces of jewelry the Neidelmens gave to Zoe Chase. Further analysis pending.

006559-60 One (1) box Winchester .25 automatic full metal jacket ammunition, 11 rounds remaining LeClaire residence

Manufacturer, materials, and type are consistent with the bullet recovered during autopsy. In-depth analysis pending.

Preliminary fingerprint analysis of the box and contents found full and partial fingerprints consistent with Peggy LeClaire.

006559-61 through 006559-63 Three (3) 8-1/2" x 11" sheets of white paper with typewritten text and the name "Zoe Chase" in the upper right corner of each sheet LeClaire residence Preliminary fingerprint analysis of each sheet found partial fingerprints consistent with Peggy LeClaire and Zoe Chase.
006559-64 One (1) laptop computer LeClaire residence Analysis pending.
006559-65 through 006559-78 Fourteen (14) USB thumb drives LeClaire residence

Preliminary fingerprint analysis found partial fingerprints consistent with Peggy LeClaire.

Analysis of thumb drive contents pending.

006559-79 One (1) desktop computer Benson residence Analysis pending.
006559-80 through 006559-83 Four (4) USB thumb drives Benson residence

Preliminary fingerprint analysis found full and partial fingerprints consistent with Mallory Benson, Zoe Chase, and Peggy LeClaire.

Analysis of thumb drive contents pending.

006559-84 One (1) three-ring binder and contents, labeled "Desperate Stranger" Benson residence Preliminary review of the information contained in the binder indicates it is consistent with the novel by Zoe Chase, which is currently pending publication.
006559-85 One (1) women's blouse, white, size M, with reddish-brown stains Benson residence Preliminary tests determined the stains to be human blood and the type to be inconsistent with that of Zoe Chase. DNA analysis pending.



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