Search evidence analysis


REPORT DATE: February 14

Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Chemical Analysis; Toxicologic Analysis

Case #: 000681

Case Description: Diane Coates Homicide Investigation

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong


Summary of Preliminary Evidence Analysis

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Standard chemical screening was performed on all evidence. With the possibility of Coumadin as a contributing factor in the cause of death, more extensive tests were performed.

Detection and quantitation were carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with a diode array detector (HPLC-MS/DAD) in addition to infrared spectrometry (IR). Suspect samples were washed or macerated with methanol, and the resulting extract was allowed to dry. The residue was re-dissolved in 10% aqueous methanol and injected into the HPLC. Liquid samples were subjected to organic and solid phase (C18) extraction and the resulting evaporated residue re-dissolved in 10% aq. MeOH prior to HPLC analysis.

Pharmaceutical grade Coumadin was obtained as a reference standard.


Evidence ItemGeneral Chemical ScreeningCoumadin Analysis
Collected at Autopsy
stomach contents - 6cc red liquid[1] Negative Positive (16ug/mg)
  [1] Preliminary analysis of stomach contents found the presence of ethyl alcohol in the red liquid. Further analysis to identify the red liquid and/or its components is pending.
Collected from the Landon Talley Residence
000681-11: One (1) Walgreens® aspirin, 50-count, unopened Negative Negative
000681-12: One (1) Walgreens® aspirin, 50-count, 36 remaining Negative Negative
000681-13: One (1) prescription medication bottle, 4 tablets remaining Negative Negative
000681-15: One (1) prescription medication bottle, containing 2 white tablets[2] Negative Negative
  [2] Preliminary analysis of tablets indicate they are consistent with aspirin.
000681-16: One (1) 750 ml Roses® grenadine, ~3/4 remaining Negative Negative
000681-17: One (1) 750 ml bottle Grey Goose® vodka, ~1/3 remaining Negative Negative
000681-18: One (1) 750 ml bottle Tanqueray No. 10® gin, ~1/2 remaining Negative Negative
000681-19: One (1) 750 ml Jacques Prieur Clos de Vougeot® merlot, ~1/2 remaining Negative Negative
000681-20: One (1) 64 oz bottle Northland® cranberry juice, ~1/4 remaining Negative Negative
000681-21: One (1) box cutter razor Negative Positive (132ug)
000681-22: One (1) Goody's® headache powder packet, empty Negative Negative
Collected from the Rupert Coates Residence
000681-23: One (1) Walgreens® aspirin, 50-count, 42 remaining Negative Negative
000681-24: One (1) Goody's® headache powder packet, unopened Negative Negative
000681-25: One (1) prescription medication bottle, empty Negative Trace (8.3ng)
000681-26: One (1) stone mortar Negative Positive (33ug)
000681-27: One (1) stone pestle Negative Positive (81ug)
000681-28: One (1) 750 ml bottle Gruppo® Campari, opened, ~1/4 remaining Negative Positive (133ug/ml)
000681-29: One (1) 750 ml bottle Absolut® Vodka, opened, ~1/2 remaining Negative Negative
000681-30: One (1) 750 ml bottle Turning Leaf® Merlot, opened, ~2/3 remaining Negative Negative
000681-32: One (1) prescription medication bottle, empty Negative Trace (10.2ng)
000681-33: One (1) box cutter razor with white residue Negative Positive (132ug)
000681-34: One (1) Goody's® headache powder packet, empty Negative Negative



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