Search – Joey Kemp

The detectives obtained warrants to search Joey's residence and collect biological samples from him.

Vehicle registrations for persons of interest

YCSD investigators located vehicle registration information for persons of interest in the Wendell Martinson case.

David Martinson interview

The detectives asked the victim's younger son about his father's relationships with his family and others.

Emanuel Martinson interview

The detectives asked the victim's older son about his father's relationships with his family and others.

Jason Riley interview

The detectives met with Fay's boyfriend to find out what he knew about the victim.

Jason Riley bio

After a troubled early adolescence, Jason was sent to Oxford to live with an aunt.

Kemp financial summary

YCSD investigators obtained a summary of Joey Kemp's financial status.

Canvass – Littleton / Sanford neighbors

Investigators spoke to Deirdre and Liam's neighbors about them and their whereabouts.

Justine Osborne interview

The detectives asked Justine about her reported relationship with former church member Emmett Sanford.

Justine Osborne bio

Originally from Jackson, Justine settled in Oxford to care for an ailing family member.

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