YCCC hotel room inventory



Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 001995-01E-2021
Case Description: Barbara Dubois homicide investigation

With the permission of the room occupants and the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center (YCCC) management, on Saturday, May 1, 2021, the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department searched the hotel rooms of all persons associated with the Literature Festival Beauty Pageant and/or known to be associated with Barbara Dubois.

The following items were taken into evidence from those hotel rooms.

Recovered from Barbara Dubois' room (YCCC Room 203):

Click to enlarge
  • 001995-34: One (1) brown candy box with gold ribbon and gold imprint "Tuttle Confections Deluxuriously Chocolate Assortment"
    • Note: Two (2) candies missing, unidentified residue in bottom of box
  • 001995-35: One (1) cellular telephone
  • 001995-36: One (1) mobile tablet with document open on screen
    • 001995-37: One (1) draft of speech, "Truth of the Heart"

Recovered from Ingrid Freeman's room (YCCC Room 206):

  • 001995-38: One (1) brown candy box with gold ribbon and gold imprint "Tuttle Confections Deluxuriously Chocolate Assortment"
    • Note: Unopened
Hotel room locations
Click to enlarge

Recovered from Rachel Webb's room (YCCC Room 212):

  • 001995-39: One (1) first aid kit
    • 001995-39-001 through 001995-24-009: Nine (9) adhesive bandages
    • 001995-39-010: One (1) 1-oz tube Neosporin® antibiotic ointment
    • 001995-39-011: One (1) 12-fl-oz bottle ex-lax® Milk of Magnesia Laxative/Antacid, Chocolate Crème
    • 001995-39-012: One (1) 50-count bottle Advil® 200mg ibuprofen caplets
    • 001995-39-013: One (1) 100-count bottle Excedrin® Aspirin-Free Tension Headache caplets
    • 001995-39-013: One (1) 1-fl-oz bottle ipecac syrup
    • 001995-39-014: One (1) .9-oz tube Preparation-H® cream
    • 001995-39-015: One (1) 1-oz tube Super Glue® Instant Bond
  • 001995-40: One (1) brown candy box with gold ribbon and gold imprint "Tuttle Confections Deluxuriously Chocolate Assortment"
    • Note: Unopened

Recovered from Sam Tuttle's room (YCCC Room 217):

  • 001995-41 through 001995-43: Three (3) brown candy boxes with gold ribbon and gold imprint "Tuttle Confections Deluxuriously Chocolate Assortment"
    • Note: Unopened

Recovered from Bill Lamar's room (YCCC Room 235):

  • 001995-44: One (1) handwritten note on YCCC notepad
    • Text of note: "Barb Rm #"

Recovered from Mary & Billie Jo Jones' room (YCCC Room 247):

  • 001995-45: One (1) brown candy box with gold ribbon and gold imprint "Tuttle Confections Deluxuriously Chocolate Assortment"
    • Note: Five (5) candies missing



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