Letter Excerpts – Gable
Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 001019-28B-2022
Case Description: Andrea Stover death investigation
The Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department collected as evidence from Andrea Stover's residence five hundred forty-eight (548) letters addressed to Andrea Stover at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility.
Included in that number were seven (7) letters from Mark Gable (Evidence #s 001019-21-282 through 001019-21-288).
YCSD investigators have examined those letters and assembled the following excerpts from the Gable letters.
These excerpts were determined to be potentially relevant to the Andrea Stover death investigation and typical of the content of all letters from Mark Gable.
Jun 12, 2020
Letter Date: June 12, 2020
Postmark: Oxford, MS
I have to admit that I'm really scared and nervous in writing this letter. I'm afraid that you hate me or that you never want to talk to me again.
I cannot tell you how sorry I am that you were convicted. I cannot tell you how sorry I am that you were even prosecuted and put through all this mess in the first place. I have not spoken to my parents for days now.
I won't take any more of your time. I realize that I'm probably the last person you want to be hearing from right now. I won't bother you anymore. I just wanted to let you know how bad I feel and how sorry I am.
––End excerpt––
Jun 20, 2020
Letter Date: June 20, 2020
Postmark: Oxford, MS
Okay, so I know I said that I won't bother you anymore, but this is killing me. Please let me hear from you. Even if you just want to tell me to go to hell, at least I can know how you feel about me.
I can't go on wondering if you hate me or if you've forgiven me or what. I just have to know something. Please write me back and tell me how you feel.
Or, you can call me. I don't know how much access you have to a phone in there, but you are welcome to call. Mom and Dad don't usually get home until about 6:30 or so. If you could call before then, it would be great.
Once I understand how you feel, I promise that I'll leave you alone.
––End excerpt––
Aug 6, 2020
Letter Date: August 6, 2020
Postmark: Oxford, MS
I'm so glad to finally hear from you. I was really worried there for a while. And I appreciate your understanding. I was so thrilled to hear that you didn't blame me!
As upset as I am over what happened, I'm still thankful for getting to know you and spend time with you. I can't wait for you to be released so we can catch up and make up for lost time.
I haven't hung around the group much lately, but I hear that Dale is assuming direction of the company and that he's really been putting his stamp on things.
I don't know if those guys have the same attitude towards me that you do… maybe they blame me even though you don't. So I've been apprehensive about approaching the group.
Plus, I don't know that I would like it if you weren't there. From what I hear, Dale has pretty much cleaned out everything you used to do and started over from scratch. I don't know if I could handle the change.
It will be great when you get back, and you can make things right again. I'll definitely be in the company if you're around!
––End excerpt––
Oct 14, 2020
Letter Date: October 14, 2020
Postmark: Oxford, MS
School really stinks. I'm tired of this semester and just wish it were over. I wish you were here to talk me through this… you always seem to understand when people are down or upset. I really miss your encouragement.
How are things with you? I want you to tell me all about your life. Sometimes I'm afraid to ask too many questions because I don't know how much you want to talk about things… but at the same time, I want you to know that you can tell me anything. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.
The group is brainstorming ideas right now. Ethan and Dale are getting along perfectly. I think Ethan is probably glad that Dale is now the director because Dale isn't as hard on him. Everyone says it's because Ethan and Dale share the same vision. I think it's because Dale just isn't as committed as you are.
And he's going after gritty political work. That's the phrase you hear from Oxtales over and over again: "gritty political work." I think he imagines himself as some sort of Michael Mann. Or maybe a Spike Lee or something.
I don't know how the others feel, but I'll certainly be glad when you get back.
––End excerpt––
Feb 28, 2021
Letter Date: February 28, 2021
Postmark: Oxford, MS
You would be amazed at all the attention that the new play is getting around here. People all over town are talking about it. Dale acts like he's walking on water. I don't get it… gee, another play about racism. How original. Anyway, I'll let you know how it turns out.
––End excerpt––
Jun 6, 2021
Letter Date: June 6, 2021
Postmark: Oxford, MS
It's amazing how time flies. Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. The end of the semester was extremely busy.
I guess you've heard from everybody how well the play did. I have to admit that it was pretty good. It wasn't anything earth-shattering, but still, it was pretty well done. Everyone turned in really strong performances.
I also have to admit that I can't wait for you to get back…
––End excerpt––
Jan 11, 2022
Letter Date: January 11, 2022
Postmark: Oxford, MS
Everyone is buzzing with news of your return. When exactly are you getting home? And what is your role going to be with Oxtales? Have you talked to Mr. Norris about that?
I have to say that I hope you come back and start back as director right away, but maybe you'll want a break.
Anyway, let me know when you get in town!
––End excerpt––